WH Announces Plan To Reopen Greenland Consulate – IOTW Report

WH Announces Plan To Reopen Greenland Consulate

The Hill

The U.S. reportedly plans to open a consulate in Greenland for the first time in decades amid President Trump ’s interest in the island.

The State Department, in a letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee obtained by The Associated Press on Friday, said the move to reopen the consulate in Greenland’s capital of Nuuk was part of a larger plan to increase American presence in the Arctic.

The U.S. has a “strategic interest in enhancing political, economic, and commercial relationships across the Arctic region,” the letter said. More

12 Comments on WH Announces Plan To Reopen Greenland Consulate

  1. My Daddy was stationed in Greenland for some time many years ago. He often told the story of debarking the plane and being met by a Sgt. handing out rocks and explaining, “this is your rock, it is your friend. When you are bored you can talk to your rock. When it talks back, we send you home.”

  2. typical TDS MSM. They deliberately cover up the fact that Commie China is trying to establish several commercial footholds in Greenland. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize that the so-called “chinese civilians” at China’s trade outposts will in reality be Special Forces soldiers tasked to attack our Early Warning AntiBallistic Missile System located in our THule Greenland Airbase.

  3. Why would the Chinese mine coal in the Greenland when they have plenty on the mainland? It seems they are mining all kinds of rare earths there so they can corner the market. Trump is totally right.


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