WH Brags Bidenomics Saving You 16 Cents On 4th Of July Picnic – IOTW Report

WH Brags Bidenomics Saving You 16 Cents On 4th Of July Picnic

News Wars

A tone deaf tweet from the official White House account actually brags about saving the American people an average of 16 cents ($0.16) on their Fourth of July party supplies over prices last year.

According to the tweet, disseminated Thursday afternoon, prices are down on basic July 4th cuisine ranging from ice cream to pork chops, adding up to a whopping 16 cents in savings for Americans.

The tweet claimed the 16 cents is evidence “the Biden economic plan is working.” More

24 Comments on WH Brags Bidenomics Saving You 16 Cents On 4th Of July Picnic

  1. Only if you follow their specific meal plan. A tube of mystery meat with no bun, and gas station catsup packages.
    If you plan on smoking some Ribs it’ll cost you double what it did last year.

  2. I’m glad for the $.16 savings but I charge myself $.25 cents to access my back deck….sort of a usury tax on myself. I think I’m getting the hang of these taxing issues….

  3. A complete lie nothing is cheaper … does anyone drive anywhere and put gas in the tank for July 4?

    Incredibly lame and amateurish. That’s all they got. Complete morons

  4. Antidote, Yes face diapers are cheaper, at least around here. They’re either on clearance for 25 cents or some stores have bins of them for free.

  5. Fast food and other companies are now paying more than what I’m making at my auto company. Just got my review and got a 2% raise. Gee thanks. Going rate now. Also, not complaining too much because many associates are getting pay cuts. Way to go Dem supporters.

  6. Last year 1 lb of New York strip was $8 a pound. I just paid $11 a pound for it. Last year Memphis cut pork ribs was less than $3 a pound and now it is just under $5. The $19 freezer pack of ground beef at Costo was 5 lbs of 92% lean last year and now it is 4 lbs of 85% lean beef.

    Slo Joe has been using his son’s crack pipe.


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