WH Press Secretary Declares Joe Biden Their “Best Communicator” – IOTW Report

WH Press Secretary Declares Joe Biden Their “Best Communicator”

Given the choice of mop-top Jean-Pierre, chackler Kamala, and Mayor Pete, the White House press secretary’s statement could be the closest thing to the truth she’s uttered. Be sure to treat yourself to the comment section on this one for some good laughs. Here

11 Comments on WH Press Secretary Declares Joe Biden Their “Best Communicator”

  1. Our federal government has hit rock bottom.
    They have failed us on every front. Maybe failed is the wrong terminology. Betrayed. Maybe something stronger.
    We have no functioning President. Most are enemies of our people. Put Dept of Justice at the top of that list.
    Others are just failures. Not sure.
    Homeland security, transportation, education, labor, interior, treasury. Name the department or agency and these people have sat in their cubicles and big offices and have rat fucked us.
    Every day is a shit sandwich and we have to choke it down.

  2. @PHenry

    In the smoke-filled backroom over a beer they would all high-five themselves, declare themselves masters of the universe, and admit that things are all going swimmingly, according to plan;

    Every day Trump is in the news fighting yet another lawsuit.
    The fossil fuel industry is in death throws.
    More and more potential dem voters are streaming across the border.
    Our military was been sissified and neutered.
    American exceptionalism is as dead as the Betamax.
    The criminals run all the big cities, fomenting more urgency in,”Getting the guns off the streets”.
    People are hurting financially with inflation and economic uncertainty, which portrays big government as the Shinning Knight, coming to save the day.
    Fewer and fewer people go to church or even seek a moral arbiter.
    And we are all now divided into tribes, distrusting of each other.

    They could not have asked for a better outcome.


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