WH Releases 11-Page Review of Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal – IOTW Report

WH Releases 11-Page Review of Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

White House Releases 11-Page Review of Biden Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal, Blaming Trump for Biden’s Bad Decisions.

Conservative Treehouse:
Because of course… Despite the Biden White House having complete control over the issues and events during their withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, which included the murder of 13 U.S. servicemen during a terrorist attack at the Kabul airport, the Biden administration has to blame Donald Trump.   Pathetic doesn’t even begin to appropriately outline the issue, and even U.S. corporate media can see it.

Without announcing the release in advance, the White House dropped an 11-page after action report [SEE HERE] claiming the prior administration was in control of all their decision making in the summer and fall of 2021.   As noted by the Daily Mail, “The disastrous Afghanistan evacuation that led to the death of 13 U.S. service members and hundreds of civilians was Donald Trump’s fault – and the scenes of Afghans falling from planes and the Taliban shooting people in the streets wasn’t chaotic, the White House said Thursday.”

Kirby said the administration was ‘proud‘ of how U.S. forces carried out the withdrawal, as the Taliban toppled the American-backed Afghan government the U.S. spent trillions over 20 years to keep stable.

15 Comments on WH Releases 11-Page Review of Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

  1. Looks like now we’re doing Science Fiction in government.

    They should send the written report to every household in America.
    Would help combat any toilet paper shortage.

  2. Pretty terse for a government document, but they could have boiled it down to two words: Trump’s fault.

    I can’t wait for their Cliff’s Notes on the Ukraine debacle.

  3. How can Trump be personally held responsible for the Afgan fiasco when he wasn’t even President. Oh yeah, it’s always Trump’s fault according to the democraps convoluted logic. No matter what, blame Trump. FJB, democraps and RINO’s and the ass kissing media who publish this tripe and expect that the gullible brain-dead masses will continue to believe all their bs.

  4. 11 pages to say nothing. Sounds more like a highschool book report. Military academics will be studying that fiasco and writing volumes about it.

  5. What BS. Afghanistan was just another money laundering exercise.
    More theater. How about tracking the money.
    Again, they don’t care how many die.

    10 Bush-Bin Laden Connections That Raised a Few Eyebrows
    ht tps://listverse.com/2018/01/06/10-bush-bin-laden-connections-that-raised-a-few-eyebrows/

  6. The buck stops anywhere but with the traders giving the orders.
    It was clearly an engineered embarrassment, making the withdrawal from Vietnam look perfect.
    They’re incompetent even in their spin.

  7. Botched? Not in their eyes.

    Everything except the likelihood of Americans holding them responsible went down exactly as Biden’s handlers planned it.

    This is just an attempt to clean up that misstep.

  8. According to Biden’s colleagues Joe Biden is a longtime compulsive nitwit who hates blak people and who hasn’t accomplished one single beneficial thing in his vulgar life nor admitted to mishaps he created then blamed others for. Aside from squatting his flat ass hanging down to the back of his knees in the Peoples’ White House he is not liked at all, similar to the vile racist and (ded) former potus LBJ.

  9. According to Biden’s colleagues Joe Biden is a longtime compulsive liar and nitwit who hates non-whites and who hasn’t accomplished one single beneficial thing in his vulgar life nor admitted to mishaps he created then blamed others for. Aside from squatting his flat ass hanging down to the back of his knees in the Peoples’ White House he is not liked at all, similar to the vile racist and (ded) former potus LBJ.

  10. I told a veteran who did four rotations there starting with Enduring Freedom that Pedo was proud of the way the exit was conducted.

    …I’ve heard MOST of the words he used before, but not usually all strung together for that long.

  11. Trump’s pullout plan didn’t work very well. No wonder it was set to be used by the next administration. Done by an Apprentice who has zero skills in military planning. But hey, how about those bonespurs.


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