WH: ‘Screening Procedures In Place At Our Border’ – IOTW Report

WH: ‘Screening Procedures In Place At Our Border’

Weekly Standard

White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters today that, after the Ebola case in Dallas, the Obama administration reminded border law enforcment agencies of “protocol” to deal with people that appear to have symptoms of Ebola. Earnest also said that there “are screening procedures in place at our border.”

“[I]n light of this incident,” Earnest said at his daily briefing, “the administration has taken the step of recirculating our guidance to law enforcement agencies that are responsible for securing the border, to those agencies that represent individuals who staff the airline industry, and to medical professionals all across the country to make sure that people are aware that there is an important protocol that should be implemented if an individual presents with symptoms that are consistent with Ebola.”



25 Comments on WH: ‘Screening Procedures In Place At Our Border’

  1. How freaking stupid do they think we are? There is not only no way to screen them but it seems the current administration is promoting the spread of viral contagions throughout the whole USA. all hell could be ready to break out upon us but don’t worry folks they’ve got it all under control.

  2. I seem to recall during his first term that the administration got rid of quarantine rules because the ACLU and other leftist lunatics complained about them being unfair and of course….BUSH!


  3. Follow up question: Where is this being done exactly? In which facility?

    Follow up question #2: Where are the health certificates for all of the newly minted Democratic voters who were flown, bussed, to every state in the union? American kids need proof of vaccinations, etc. to attend public school. Why not the newly minted (and soon to be indoctrinated) Democratic voters?

    Fking liars all!!

  4. Screenings? Why isn’t the border closed? The place should look like Omaha Beach. Vehicle obstructios, bobbed wire, artillery, lots of machine guns, and troops.

  5. Screenings? Why isn’t the border closed? The place should look like Omaha Beach. Vehicle obstructions, bobbed wire, artillery, lots of machine guns, and troops.

  6. “Do you have Ebola, amigo?”

    “No comprende.”

    “Que nada. You’re seeking political asylum, si?”

    “Si. Poe lee tee cull ah sy loom, yes.”

    “Pass, friend.”

  7. We are experiencing a plague of Idiots and A**holes of biblical proportions.

    Obugger has already stated that he will not block Ebola infected persons from entering the us.

    The Zombie Apocalypse is here.

    And now Louis Farrakhan has come out that Ebola is a weaponized disease created by the CIA “that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind.”

  8. If you think this will put a crimp in Doucheolini’s unilateral amnesty plans, think again.

    And I will ask again: What is the immigration or visa status of Thomas Eric Duncan’s Liberian family members residing in the US?

  9. Local morning news saying, er, ah, new numbers on the possible ebola exposure in Dallas…now as many as 80, which means they have misplaced a couple of zeros on the end of the number again…with all of the medical personnel, visitors to the ER both times, the ambulance workers, the folks who were transported in same ambulance after ebolaman, and the list goes on and on…oh, and now they have casually added “sweat” as a possible contact threat…personal contingency plans are the order of the day at my house!

  10. Obama’s “Ebola Policy” is a direct reflection of his idea of fairness.

    “It’s not FAIR that only black Africans should have to experience horrific epidemics like Ebola…”

    So, he is doing as little as possible to prevent the disease from reaching America. “After all, it’s only FAIR that America should experience a horrific epidemic, or two…”

  11. With the latest order from the Executive Branch facilitating at will travel out of the Ebola Hot Zone into the US in spite of having a documented case resulting from their policies, we must consider the following.

    The Obama Administration is actively attacking the US population with lethal, viral hemorrhagic fever. A priori.

  12. And now Louis Farrakhan has come out that Ebola is a weaponized disease created by the CIA “that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind.”

    Louie, we had to rush it into production. A couple more weeks and we would have had the version that only affects loudmouth Black moslems.

  13. “Screening procedures in place at our border.”

    Would that be the same border that thousands are crossing in the desert each day? The goddamn democrats aren’t even trying to lie well anymore. Who the fuck would believe such a patently false and easily disprovable statement?

  14. That evil doctor on Patmos … y’know, the one who cut off the negroes wings and stole their knowledge?

    Is he the one who invented Ebonics to destroy all the negroes?

    Sorry … Ebola.

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