WH Spokeshole Kirby Asked Why Biden Lies So Much – IOTW Report

WH Spokeshole Kirby Asked Why Biden Lies So Much

Red State

“In the past couple of weeks, [Joe Biden] has lied about being at Ground Zero the day after the 9/11 attacks,” the reporter said as Kirby made a face. That didn’t stop the reporter. He said Biden “falsely claimed he saw the Pittsburgh bridge collapse. Claimed that his grandfather died in the hospital days before his birth [which wasn’t true]. What is going on with [Joe Biden]? Is he just believing things that didn’t happen did happen? Or is he just [unintelligible] making stuff up?” the reporter asked. 

Kirby’s answer has to be in the “no shame” Hall of Fame. More

30 Comments on WH Spokeshole Kirby Asked Why Biden Lies So Much

  1. “…an important set of remarks…” IOW, “talking points”. And no way Biden delivered a cohesive, coherent “set” of anything. Not even in his diaper.

    How I detest these glib, greasy flacks and their insipid, meaningless dodge-phrases. Don’t know the answer or have a good excuse for something? “I don’t have that information at my fingertips. There. I’ve answered your question. Next?”

    And the journos are in awe of his vapid cleverness. But he has a tough job, and it takes a special kind of brazen asshole to be Biden’s tail-gunner.

  2. As soon as Kirby got off stage he speed dialed Susan Rice and told her to call BoRock and tell him to tell his stooge to stop fucking lying, and another thing,tell that dumb Indian women to stop fucking giggling at every damn thing.

    I couldn’t remember Kamal Toes fathers heritage. So I googled her, and up pops Wikipedia. “Kamal Toe Harris, first African American woman to rise to the rank of VP.
    Heritage, Mother, Indian. Father, Jamaican. How freaken stooopid do they think we are? Wikipedia is now officially a bad joke.

  3. As far as lying expertise, Kirby ranks right below Biden.
    Being very good at lying is a necessary hiring criteria for the Biden/Obama Administration.

    Kirby will always be seen with no integrity, honor or moral compass.
    He should resign in embarrassment.

  4. Lack of Values
    Lack of Patriotism
    Lack of Honesty
    Lack of Character
    Lack of Morals
    Destruction of the Country

    The Legacy that is the Biden Administration
    History will not smile upon what is left behind.


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