WH spokesman astonishes reporters with attack on Schumer – IOTW Report

WH spokesman astonishes reporters with attack on Schumer

cat fight

NYPost: WASHINGTON — In an extraordinary attack, the White House on Wednesday slammed Sen. Charles Schumer for criticizing the administration’s proposed cuts to homeland security funding — labeling Schumer “wrong” and even calling his “credibility” on homeland security into question by digging up a sore point in his voting record.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest delivered the unusual broadside at the man presumed to be the next Senate Democratic leader, just hours after Schumer, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton denounced federal cuts to urban security funds.  more

10 Comments on WH spokesman astonishes reporters with attack on Schumer

  1. I imagine the WH is a little pissed off at Schumer for making such a great case for delaying SCOTUS nominee hearings. Got to attack his credibility on other things now to cast doubt on that chicken which came home to roost.

  2. Signaling Boinee may be odingas choice for the nomination of the rats. Shmuckface Shumer is a huge Hitlery ball sniffer. Reading tea leaves…. Shmuckface is the kind of scumbag jew traitor that would have helped the NAZI vermin put fellows I to the ovens in exchange for a few privileges and considerations. A vile Jew that justifies anti semitism and stereotyping of Jews and makes it difficult for the true Israeli Jews to defend their country and faith. And for good Christians to defend our brothers in Israel.

  3. This dick thinks that he will garner the appointment to UN Secretary General and in his mind rule the world.
    Here’s hoping for a total destruction of his legacy in his lifetime, and that he becomes the pariah and laughingstock he deserves.
    Oh, and ass cancer.
    That too.

  4. There is never any give and take with this Prez, his people, or those in the WH. To say he has no credibility is pretty sorry. Look Schumer is a scumbag and I can’t stand him but he is somewhat hawkish on security and I can respect that about him. I can’t agree with all he says or does on it but to call him “not credible” is pathetic.

    I enjoy the infighting between Dems but to hear Obama disparage somebody’s credibility when he has no credibility on this subject is rich

  5. I can’t stand either of them, schmucky or odumbo, both belong in prison.

    but I just love it when any politician comes unhinged and starts eating their own.

    schmucky, are you going to sit back and take that from odumbo? go get him tiger! hit him with a “left”.

    I say, “egg them on”

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