WH to release document showing intel community watchdog found whistleblower had ‘political bias,’ official says – IOTW Report

WH to release document showing intel community watchdog found whistleblower had ‘political bias,’ official says


EXCLUSIVE: A senior Trump administration official told Fox News late Tuesday that the administration will release a document showing the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower who leveled an explosive accusation against President Trump concerning his talks with Ukraine had “political bias” in favor of “a rival candidate” of the president.

The official did not identify the name of the rival candidate. Separately, a senior administration official told Fox News the White House has been working as quickly as it can to release to Congress the whistleblower complaint involving President Trump’s conversations with the leader of Ukraine, as long as it’s legally possible.

The news came just hours after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi initiated a formal impeachment inquiry by alleging that the administration was hiding the complaint.

The senior administration official told Fox News that the White House had nothing to hide, that there has been no wrongdoing, and that the White House’s general position has been that it will make everything possible available to Congress or the public regarding Trump’s conversations with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the complaint to the intelligence community’s inspector general.

source familiar with the matter told Fox News this week that the whistleblower had no firsthand knowledge of Trump’s July call with Zelensky. Trump vowed earlier Tuesday to release a “complete” transcript of the call by Wednesday.

A senior administration official told Fox News there are a “few words” in the transcript that will raise eyebrows, but it is nowhere near as inflammatory as Democrats have suggested.

The contents of the call, as well as the whistleblower complaint, could throw cold water on Democrats’ explosive suggestions that the president improperly threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine unless it investigated Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Republicans had predicted over the weekend that such an impeachment inquiry could backfire on Pelosi, and administration officials have said Trump was concerned only with broader corruption in Ukraine.


10 Comments on WH to release document showing intel community watchdog found whistleblower had ‘political bias,’ official says

  1. Proof?? Credible Evidence? Ethics? Honor? Common sense? All thrown at the commicrats with the same effect as throwing water at a duck’s back.

    Once you have set your hair on fire it is difficult to call a fire department when you are screeching, “Impeach”.

  2. Another well-orchestrated attempt to smear POTUS Trump. Notice the timing of their impeachment “inquiry” and the second salvo by SanFranNan (“The WH is hiding the transcript”).

  3. Along with EACH AND EVERY document the White House releases they should include the transcript of Biden bragging about getting that prosecutor fired. As well as any evidence they have about Clinton’s involvement with Ukraine. Force the media to explain the presence of the extra information that they are so forcefully ignoring now.

  4. The leftards can’t wait to bring in their star witness, who is a clinton supporter that doesn’t have first hand knowledge of the call. He heard something.

    As byron York said, the leftist twits aren’t going to wait this time for their evidence to blow up in their face. They’re going to try to impeach before anyone learns the real facts.

  5. Trump kinda screwed up when he backed off of going after Hillary after being elected, did he somehow think this would turn the Democrats into a civil party that would accept him as President?

    Now he, and the rest of the pro Trump Republicans, are paying the price for trying to be civil with them instead of recognizing them as hostiles and dealing with them that way.

    This is not likely to end well.

  6. The Pelosi “inquiry” is unimpeachably not impeachment.
    She doesn’t have the votes.
    Trump ought to offer a dozen pizzas if they can find
    him guilty and start calling it a “pizza” inquiry.

  7. More people should have been fired a lot earlier on.

    This was always going to happen if you left all of these “nonpartisan, career bureaucrats” in place. They are all partisan Democrats who put party before career and country.

    One more point about the Not A Real Whistleblower, the longer Dems keep them and their complaint out of the spotlight, the longer they can milk What It Might Be vs. What It Is.


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