What a dumb _ _ _ _ – IOTW Report

What a dumb _ _ _ _

Jordan Peterson is confronted by an Australian feminist/leftist who is as dumb as a brick.

Watch the exchange. Peterson is spot on. The only thing he missed, and I hope he starts including it in his rebuttals, is when the cow complains that women don’t have equality when it comes to political representation.

That is a lie.

Women have as much equality at the voting booth as men. Counting up the amount of men and women elected is not a measure of inequity.

18 Comments on What a dumb _ _ _ _

  1. – – -Womxn.
    This is a new word I saw today. “Happy Mother’s and Womxn’s Day” written on a blog I follow about disappearing restaurants/places around Seattle.

    Not sure how empowered a womxn is or what it’s equal to other than confusion and hype.

  2. Peterson has a way about him. He reminds me of Bishop Sheen who explained clearly about the feminists mistake of demanding equality. In doing so they are surrendering what makes them unique. The sexes are complimentary,each have their own duties, like a violin and a bow. Both are necessary for beautiful music. Equality is but part of the recipe for equity. So many find nature and natures law offensive in our “enlightened” modern world, perhaps in the real world woman has held the sway of power all along?

  3. She accidentally provided the answer to her own question by demonstrating in her arrogant and smug way why some women fail to reach the higher tiers in many occupations.
    If you don’t have a coherent argument then attack the opposition on a personal level. She diminished herself and accomplished nothing.

  4. As articulate as I think I am, I am frustrated when it comes to describing what I see happening in these arguments. For as soon as a Leftist’s argument begins to crumble under the weight of their illogical rant, they always do two things: blame and attack their opposition for being bigoted, and complain that the rules of engagement (logic itself) are unfair and further proof of one’s brutish “patriarchy!” The same pattern emerges in any debate with a Lefty, and that’s why I avoid arguing anything with them whenever possible.

  5. Too bad for her that Peterson hasn’t made a lot of snarky tweets which undermine his image as a man of reason and logic. She could thrown those back at him to make him look silly, without ever addressing his point. Right, Ben Shapiro?

  6. Ya know this group thingy idea is starting to grow on me. I’m even down with the diversity mandate.

    Whether white progressive virtue nazi’s, reparation demanding militant blacks, or mentally imbalanced transgenders, they should all be segregated from the rest of society in order to create and govern their ideal society.

    “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” In other words the lot of them will become extinct.

  7. Sometimes, now & then, once in a while…females like this rise up and attempt to bring shame to all of us women. Down with these Rad Feminists everywhere.

  8. Having worked alongside women all my professional life I can tell you absolutely from what they themselves often related to me is that MOST WOMEN would NEVER want to have a female boss.

    That say’s it all for me.

  9. In response to Engelburka Engelburka t 8:50 am – our father used to tell us as we were growing up, “Change is going to happen whether you like it or not. Therefore, you must be prepared (educated) to handle change to your benefit.” I have had lots of change in my life. A couple of times, it was negative, but I quickly pulled out of that downward spiral and changed direction (because I could recognize the downward spiral). But overall, change has been very good for me.


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