What a Good Day – IOTW Report

What a Good Day

Headlines From Citizen Free Press-

41 Comments on What a Good Day

  1. Been here before – thought they had these slimy rats in a corner – but never get any satisfaction.

    I guess I’ll hope and believe things can change … (did I actually say “hope and change?”)

    NAIL THEM ALL to the highest tree!

  2. Wow! talk about great customer service! Looks like my letter to the WH worked. 😉

    And this: “Prior to the firm being retained in April 2016 by Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS’s research had been subsidized by an unidentified Republican during the GOP primary.”

    Any guesses as to who this is? Could it be as simple as McCain on behalf of the RNC?

  3. All good headlines but the last two.

    Most house “Republicans” are just as corrupt and evil as the Clintons, so their “getting serious” is nothing but tales, full of sound and fury, told by idiots.

    And along those same lines, Uniparty Gowdy only conducts theatrical investigations. Nothing will come of that.

  4. Organgrinder, I can only hope that PDT is biding his time for some reason.

    “Soon, Jeff, soon…wait for it. You’ll know when. But confirm it with me beforehand, anyway, just to be safe. ”

    “Sure thing, Mr. President…check with you first, out of an abundance of caution.”

    “No, check with me first, JUST TO BE SAFE. You’re sounding kind of swampy, Jeff.”

  5. Trump should sue Hillary for slander. $500 million or whatever the Clinton foundation has in their secret bank accounts should do. Then donate the money to the U.S. Hurricane relief funds.

  6. Before I got my celebration panties on, these thoughts reared their ugly heads.

    1-Oh that’s good news and bad. I have become jaded when hearing of any congressional ‘investigation’. Where are the results of the myriad of others? I wonder, do congress persons on investigation committed get extra pay? That could account for their eternal, do-nothing, merry-go-round investigations.

    2-Then there is the horror of this thought: GET THE CURRENT BUSINESS of tax reform,
    Obamacare, defense funding and stagnating nominations FINISHED!

    3-Is this one more excuse to look busy, while whining, complaining and sharpening knives of contention against the President?

    Every single time republicans snipe at the president, WE the voters who chose him, take it personally. Corker and Flake quit because they saw the tidal wave of defeat ready to engulf them. Their childish actions and words, as they hide behind the left are amazing. John McCain is the epitome of a schoolyard bully, sire loser, who grudgingly has to step aside. School yard 💩.

    Grow the hell up, republicans of congress. Congress could soar and be in office for many years to come, if they would embarrass the party leader and DO THE PEOPLE’S work, as we mandated by electing President Trump. Or, get ready to be washed away.

  7. “Twitter Hashtags don’t do shit and evidently Jeff Sessions doesn’t either.”

    Agree about Sessions, but as for the hashtags— It manages to attract people who were sorta liking hillary. And then they get an eyeful of what they were suspicious of all along, and see it confirmed, and then they tell their other half-paying -attention friends… It’s valuable, in its own way, for 2018 elections.

  8. unfortunately some of these fossilized felons will die before the investigation is completed. Sessions has been anything but productive. I believe a special consul is required. and not anybody connected with Mueller, the FBI, The NSA or the CIA. Meanwhile I’ll be getting the ropes ready.

  9. Which Republican thought he had a sure shot at the nomination? Jeb Bush.
    Which Republican was embarrassed the most by Trump the earliest in the campaign? Jeb Bush.
    Which Republican resented Trump’s attitude towards the illegal aliens coming here for love? Jeb Bush.
    Which Republican planned on gathering up a lot of Mexican voters? Jeb Bush.
    Which Republican felt entitled to the nomination and resented Trump the most? Jeb Bush.
    Which Republican had the most to gain by knocking Trump out as soon as possible in the campaign by connecting him with dirty business deals in Russia? Jeb Bush.
    Which Republican had money to spare on opposition research? Jeb Bush.
    Which Republican would have gladly handed this phony opposition research to McCain and Clinton? Jeb Bush.
    I nominate President Elect Jeb Bush as the perpetrator of this dirty deed, but I might be influenced by my strong displeasure of his sense of entitlement to the nomination. Time will certainly tell us the truth about this matter, since the banking records are going to be produced shortly.

  10. Another reason to roll your eyes at Trey Gowdy.


    “This is a really difficult political environment we’re in. I’m not sure you could find anyone not named Jesus that everyone would be happy with. I actually am satisfied with Robert Muller,” Gowdy said during the Fox News interview.

    Gowdy said it shouldn’t matter who leads an investigation into the Uranium One deal because it should ultimately follow the facts to a logical conclusion.

    “Investigations should follow facts and it really shouldn’t matter who’s leading them. Facts are what direct it,” he said. “I know I’m in a small group among Republicans but I actually have confidence he’s going to reach the right conclusions for the right reasons and he’ll have credibility with the American people when he’s done.”

    He added Mueller’s service record speaks for itself and said the former FBI director has given a lifetime of “solid service” to the country.

  11. Corky — thanks!

    Charlie — You’re probably right. I still think everyone should know who was using F-GPS for “research”. You know, Marc Elias at Perkins Coie, I think, has been involved in some other scandals (that weren’t prosecuted) in the obama administration. Great to be PC if you work for the clintons. Over $6MM in the course of a year for legal work?!

  12. Is it possible that those that have had to lawyer up, and had their reputations dragged thought the mud could file a civil suit against clinton and the dnc and anyone else involved with creating this absolutely false story?

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