What a Great Human Being – IOTW Report

What a Great Human Being

“I have been through something horrific, but if what I’ve gone through can inspire people to live their lives with gratitude for the things they take for granted then it makes what I’ve gone through all worth it.”

What an inspiration —

Cancer eats half of man’s face


12 Comments on What a Great Human Being

  1. After reading this yesterday, my own ‘pains’ seem so miniscule. On days when it feels I’ll not be able to ‘make it through’, all I have to do is remember the before and after of this most courageous young man.

    That’s enough to full my pains and sit back and pray–for him and all who may need prayers.


  2. For each story like this, that we hear, there are many more, silently fighting health battles, lest if which should be damn Obamacare or lack of healthcare, which will give them a modicum of ease.

    Makes the foot dragging of congress all the more maddening. Repeal that albatross, and regulate across borders healthcare sales and other favored items, but with free markets, without government taking its cut.

  3. I met many people like this man who have been disfigured by cancer when I was going through my first cancer treatments. What I learned is that the will to live is stronger than anything else they have to endure. God willing, he will be blessed with great joy in his life.

  4. Pleeezze. For 18 months he rejected the surgery that would have actually removed the tumor. He knew it was a rare and aggressive type of cancer. He LET it grow to the size of a grapefruit playing around with finding “other” treatment because he didn’t want surgery to mess up his good looks.

    How exactly does that make him a good example? The way I read the story is that he is an example of why people with cancer need to accept the standard of care, second opinions are fine, but don’t delay treatment until you lose half of your face, don’t play with cancer.

  5. He made a poor choice from the onset, but has accepted his fate with grace.
    Yes, he was vain.
    Is he vain now?

    He is front and center with his looks and is a dignified ambassador for the idea that we should not take for granted what we have, and not sit around and moan for where we are at any particular time.

    Could a guy with a horrible disfigurement not be an inspiration for others with similar looks and disabilities because he got that way due to a suicide attempt?

    How about an inspirational quadriplegic that became that way due to something stupid that they did?

  6. Let me spell it out for you because it will be a pleasure to repeat myself. I love posting here, thanks for letting me have at it.

    My point is he was playing with cancer. The only inspiration I get from him is that it is stupid to ignore a diagnosis of cancer.

    He was diagnosed with an egg size aggressive and rare cancer tumor ON HIS HEAD (AKA brain bucket). He refused standard of care because he didn’t want them to cut his handsome face.

    For 18 months went looking for other treatment, meanwhile the tumor grew to the size of a jumbo grapefruit. He did not get proper treatment for a cancer that was as plain as the tumor on his face.

    When he finally opted for standard of care he suffered radical surgery to the face, shoulder, he lost a rib. He looks hideous. He let the tumor consume half his face, he LET IT HAPPEN. Had he gotten surgery while the tumor was size of an egg he might have had a better outcome.

    His meme is I know I look hideous, but look at me! Half my face is gone, but I am thankful to be alive and I am here to tell you people what ungrateful bastards you are because you ONLY have arthritis, or a cold, or bad knees, or colitis, or diabetes with one foot missing, fill in the blank disease. You people should pay attention to me me me and be grateful you don’t have my problem, but I do have a special doctor who has said he will devote himself to (getting lots of publicity from this) making me look as human as possible, and I am going to do whatever it takes to try and look human again. You should be proud of me and be down on your petty aches and pains.

    To me he is the poster boy for why playing around with cancer is bad.

    BFH: “Could a guy with a horrible disfigurement not be an inspiration for others with similar looks and disabilities because he got that way due to a suicide attempt?”

    Yes he could be an inspiration, especially an inspiration to get the job done right the first time if you’re gonna kill yourself. He could be an anti-suicide inspiration. He could be all kinds of inspiration. He was sick, mentally ill, when he tried to take his own life. As a survivor he can help others realize they need help – what ever blah blah. Yes, definitely inspirational when the mentally ill get better and try to help others.

    Could a guy who was not responsible for losing his face because it got shot off in Iraq be an inspiration?

    Could a paraplegic who got that way by walking into battle be an inspiration?

    Can a child disfigured in a drunk driving crash be an inspiration? Especially a child with no insurance and no special doctor standing by to try and make it better? A child without a PR staff?

    Can a woman be an inspiration who did everything she was supposed to do – monthly breast checks, mammograms, but ended up being horribly mutilated because it was necessary to cut off both breasts because she got a rare aggressive form of breast cancer? Yes, she demonstrated what women have to do to catch it early. If she had been sloppy about it maybe the cancer would have metastasized and killed her. This woman is an inspiration to all women to check their breasts and if they have a problem catch it early.

    I cannot fall for calling him inspirational because he is a stupid ass getting his face wrecked, then BRAVELY parading himself around as if the cause was immaterial.

    All I get from this moron is do not ignore the doctor when he tells you you have cancer. The standard of care is probably going to be the right road.

    Everybody should know the signs and symptoms of cancer. Look it up.

    I got no liberal tears for this idiot. There are plenty of inspirational people out there.

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