Bumped and Updated: What a load of crap – “Fearful” Hamilton Cast Addresses Audience Member Mike Pence – IOTW Report

Bumped and Updated: What a load of crap – “Fearful” Hamilton Cast Addresses Audience Member Mike Pence

The hypocrisy and hilarity. See udpate HERE—> http://www.weaselzippers.us/308594-hamilton-got-in-trouble-for-discriminating-against-white-people/

ht/ illustr8r

59 Comments on Bumped and Updated: What a load of crap – “Fearful” Hamilton Cast Addresses Audience Member Mike Pence

  1. On the one hand, I’m sick of these asswipe pixies, they never shut up, been pissing and moaning for 8 years. On the other hand, keep digging that hole snitpusses….you’re putting the DEMONcrats out of business.

  2. Gosh. Does this cultural reappropriation of the founding fathers mean the Dhimmicrats are getting closer to admitting to themselves that blacks were also involved with the slave trade?

  3. I admire Pence’s poise and forbearance. I probably would have left while proudly exhibiting a single-finger salute. Who do these people think they are? Lecturing the veep 2b from an implied default position that he actually is what they think he is. The venue allows for no rebuttal to their premise or to the remarks they’re based on. Pure, unadulterated chickenshit. Of course, as we all know, that’s just how libs roll and it’s what they roll in.

    @KMM, nice thought but the director or whomever is likely just as lib as he is and is probably congratulating him on his “courage” for his rhetorical shot in the back.

  4. Fear based on ignorance is not something of which one should be proud.
    I wonder who wrote the diatribe for the cowardly “actor” – though he did read it well.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Well there you have it…AGAIN. Folks spent $100’s for a special night out, enjoyed the show, standing ovation, now let’s blow it up and ruin it.

    I really hate these shit pickles.

  6. Just STFU already and stick to your script. No one went to your show to give a crap about any of your thoughts on ANYTHING.

    When it comes to so-called entertainers or entertainment, I vote with my wallet and my feet.

  7. Looks like elitist Broadway is following lead of NFL and Kaepernick…hope they both suffer the same fates…decrease revenue and relevance…an’t understand this divisiveness and hate spewed by the “tolerant” left.

  8. Soon the only ones paying to see these SchwartzenEsels will be the Tinker Bell brigades. And the lefty Loons. Finally have the paying audience as they want them, lite of heels and brains.

  9. “A poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

    Macbeth, act v, scene five

  10. Drama queens. They just couldn’t resist making self-righteous fools of themselves. Leftists are deaf, dumb and blind to the truth.
    They have run amok for eight years. Now that it’s time to face the fact their lifestyles are abnormal, warped and twisted, it’s war.

  11. I’m trying to figure out why ANYBODY, let alone Mike Pence, would want to go see leftist revisionist history. Ahem. Hamilton wasn’t black.

    I love history but I want to be as close to the truth as possible. Fuck. Why not have Hamilton in a dress flying around on a jet pack tossing skittles into the crowd?

    The whole thing is ridiculous without the first shred of authenticity. Why would anyone go see this?

  12. DJT: “Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!”

  13. Even the racists of post civil rights were smart enough not to put a blanket “Blacks do not need apply” statement. And they may have interviewed blacks and just dismissed them as candidates. And that was wrong. And it probably happened a long time ago.

    But in 2016 to say XX need not apply is outta control!

  14. Tell you what. Let’s make a play about Martin Luther King and the civil rights struggle casting Martin Short as MLK, Julia Louise Dreyfus as reverend Ralph Abernathy and cracker ass me as Jesse Jackson.
    How would that fly?

  15. From Huff Poop –
    On Wednesday, a casting call for the Broadway juggernaut that is “Hamilton” drew criticism from members of the Actors’ Equity theater union for specifying a need for “non-white” actors. To the union, and to many others in and outside of the theater world, the idea that the show would exclude white performers in its auditioning process is wrong: the auditions should be open for everyone.

    OK, but no.

    To be clear: from a legal standpoint, this is really a question of semantics. According to the rules of professional theatre, the use of “Non-“ anything is considered discrimination. What they should have done was specify what races they wanted, not what race they did not want. That was their mistake.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I see the mistake.
    I’m making a movie. I’m having a casting call.
    White people only.

    We’re all good Huff Poop?

  16. What a buncha crap. If these shitheels were the Founding Fathers we’d still be doffing our hats and bending the knee to the Crown. Piss on ’em. They only get brave when they know there’ll be no repercussions.

  17. Here’s all you need to know about democrat fags:

    They’ve been told for over 25 years that promiscuous unprotected butt sex is the primary vector for AIDS, and they not only still engage in that, they actively look for partners who will engage in that. And then through some amazing inductive reasoning hocus pocus, they still consider the high HIV infection rate among gay men to be the fault of Republicans for not dedicating 90% of all medical research federal dollars to curing a disease that anybody with a three digit IQ knows how to avoid catching.

  18. Gave up on all things Hollywood. Refuse to watch live plays, lib concerts. Cancelled cable, down to half a dozen TV channels, never turn it on. Cancelled the Portland newspaper, the Pravdagonian. Boycott every leftist sponsor out there. Just love it when lefties ‘TARGET’ themselves.

  19. That actor/singer’s probably still smarting from the New York Post (founded by Alexander Hamilton)headline of Nov. 9 , 2016 which read : “They said it couldn’t happen PRESIDENT TRUMP” along with the Presidential Seal . Still have my copy which I decorated with my own Statue of Liberty “nyc votes I Voted” sticker from Election Day when voting for the President Elect former Queens boy , Donald J. Trump .

    There’s no excuse for this actor’s rudeness to Mr. Pence .

  20. One of the best comments I read today:
    “I am not sure if the ‘protest Hamilton’ bit is serious or if its a running joke that the cast of Hamilton pretends to speak for Americans when not a single average joe could afford a ticket for the show.”

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