What a Nasty “Woman” – IOTW Report

What a Nasty “Woman”


If Former President Obama thought Former Private Manning would express appreciation at being reprieved from serving nearly 30 more years in prison, he got a rude surprise when the commuted traitor made his first public statement since being released.  Manning views Obama as a weak president with “few legitimate accomplishments.”


29 Comments on What a Nasty “Woman”

  1. Private Bradley Manning is an ungrateful traitor. He represents the decline of this country’s military since political correctness overcame common sense. It stared with Clinton and went off the cliff with Obama. Private Manning’s mental problems would have kept him out of the U.S. Army under Reagan and Bush. Under Eisenhower and Kennedy he would have been executed. Now he gets his sentence commutated, and he/she/it will become a commentator on MSNBC.

  2. I’ve been thinking. Did he really pardon “Chelsea” Manning? It was Private Bradley Manning who committed the crimes, not some freak named Chelsea. Wouldn’t it be great if we could throw its ass back in prison on a technicality?

  3. Obola prefers a big, black, manly-men slammin a pony of baloney up his ass – not some little sissy white boy who wants his vienna sausage cut off drooling all over his mangina.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. He’s pissed off that now he has to pay for the hormones and the lose-a-dicktomy instead of getting it done while in stir on Uncle’s dime. I wonder who’s going to hire a dishonorably discharged guy who thinks he’s a woman.

  5. Hey “maggot” obongo could give a crap less about you. He didn’t pardon you, he pardoned what you are which is, if you weren’t aware, is a fucking disgrace to the military, as a spit in Americas eye.

  6. Just got my Crystal Ball out of the shop. Here…..let me warm it up……I see…..I see….I see
    a couple of bruised kneecaps and a very very fat lip in Chelsea’s future. And a really bad
    handbag. And omg those shoes……

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