What A Vile Piece of Worm Excrement – IOTW Report

What A Vile Piece of Worm Excrement

No, change that. Worm excrement is acutally of some value.

TRF, can you come up with something to befit this worthless … worse than worthless waste of oxygen?

39 Comments on What A Vile Piece of Worm Excrement

  1. Lindsey wouldn’t recognize a good man if he had his ass kicked up one side of the street and down the other by him. Bite-Me must have had the Ukrainians make a healthy donation to Lindsey’s retirement account.

  2. The only Lindsey I listen to is Lindsey Buckingham, and that is ONLY his Music/Guitar Playing.
    Otherwise, He’s more consistent than that bitch Graham.

  3. Well Claudia, I have to admit that I haven’t worked up a screed for old Linseed, but I will say that anyone who admires a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, brainless, dick-less, hopeless, heartless, incompetent, vacationing, vindictive, arrogant, imperious, sarcastic, stumbling, bumbling, mumbling, narcissistic, corrupt, stone-walling, out-of-touch, shame gland missing, process-circumventing, boneheaded, bullshitting, bald-faced liar, fraud, malicious, petty, lawless, phoney-baloney, dick-slapped, flat-footed, maladroit, Trump-blaming, Treasury-looting, utterly dishonest, unpatriotic, greedy, vain, venal, vicious, bed-wetting, pants-shitting Piece Of Shit who has given us with a broken economy, a broken energy system, broken foreign policy programs, broken trust, broken borders, broken Police forces, a broken military, a busted-ass ‘Ghanistan and broken agreements has got some truly, seriously misplaced priorities!

    Yay, you didn’t disappoint, TRF!!! – Claudia

  4. That’s saying it nicely.
    Here is what this punk said about Donald Trump.
    “I would have supported all 16 except for the Donald”
    “A lot of my colleagues will vote for him enthusiastically, some will hold their nose. I just can’t go there with Donald.”
    “I may just pass, I may write somebody in, I don’t know”
    “I just really believe that the Republican Party has been conned here.”
    Yet, he praises suspected pedophile pervert Joe Biden, with a trashy family like that.
    One thing you can tell about someone. Look at his children.
    Look at Trump’s children. Then look at Joe Biden’s children.
    He had one of his sons sleeping with the widow of his brother.
    That should tell you all you want to know about Joe Biden.

  5. Lindsey Graham is he of the Gange of 8 who wanted a bill passed, along with Marco Rubio also a (former) Go8 member, to give amnesty to millions of illegal invaders who jumped US borders.

  6. Graham is a nut-job and a back stabbing traitor. He pretends to be a republican when he is not. That is fraud. When you lie to people who are republicans to get them to vote for you when your later actions prove you are not a republican, that is fraud. He is nothing but an ACTOR working for the globalist/marxist cabal. Get that piece of excrement out of office.


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