What About I-Tea? – IOTW Report

What About I-Tea?

There’s a dopey story going around claiming that farmers are feeding their cows Skittles. It’s obviously one of those ™FakeNews stories that goes around on Facebook and gets emailed by gullibl…what’s that? It’s true?

A spill of red Skittles on a highway made people wonder where the hell a load like that was headed.


According to a 2012 Reuters report, corn prices skyrocketed that year, forcing cattle farmers to look for alternative, cheaper feed. Cookies, gummy worms, marshmallows, fruit loops — sweet treats were in the mix.

The article says, “Cattlemen are feeding virtually anything they can get their hands on that will replace the starchy sugar content traditionally delivered to the animals through corn.”

Yes, that includes Skittles.


ht/ JS

17 Comments on What About I-Tea?

  1. A friend works for Wrigley, he IS the quality control/consistency behind the skittles brand and a few others. He’s always got a pile of Wrigley candy and snacks. I never thought to ask, but maybe I can get him to consider a limited production of i-tea flavored skillets.

  2. How can Skittles, a product manufactured many miles distant, and made with manufactured corn syrup be a cheaper product than the corn itself, which is not processed, and grown next to the feed lot?

  3. You city people are dumb! Farmers have ALWAYS fed cows sugar. Usually its molasses mixed in their feed. But if skittles crushed and put in with their hay it’ll do the same trick. Cows need sugar added in order to let their milk down. Helps with digestion also.

  4. Corn prices are Up because of target yields are lower than expected. And govt put more acres in reserve program. Has nothing to do with ethanol. But keep spewing your liberal talking points. Farrmers laugh at you!

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