What Are American Leftist Politicians Doing For Americans? – IOTW Report

What Are American Leftist Politicians Doing For Americans?

PJ Media – Governor Mark Dayton attended a community conversation about race hosted by the St. Cloud NAACP and told people who have been questioning refugee resettlement in the central Minnesota region to “find another state.”

WJON reports the Governor’s statements, “This is a time for everybody who is a Minnesotan, a real Minnesotan to take a stand and say, ‘not in our state.’ If you are that intolerant, that much of a racist and a bigot, then find another state, they really should go somewhere else” said Dayton.


ht/ Tammy

Also, in Germany, a town of 4,000 people will be receiving 3,000 migrants. The politicians told the citizens that if they didn’t like it they could leave the country.

So, the people who paid the taxes and built the community can go suck rope if they object to what the representatives have in store for them – bringing in parasitical newcomers that never contributed a nickel to the community.

This is why politicians want gun confiscation.

12 Comments on What Are American Leftist Politicians Doing For Americans?

  1. How dare anyone question the unearned virtue of a leftist politicians demonstrating what a better quality of human being they are at the expense of everyone else.

    Why it’s outrageous to actually have to consider the consequences of any action what so ever. Especially when it relates to the potential future patrons of the state and votes for the dole.

  2. Most of the refugees are that intolerant and that racist and bigoted. They’re also cowards for not standing and fighting for freedom in their own countries.

    So, yeah, the refugees should not only find another state, THEY SHOULD GO HOME.


  3. what a bunch of total horseshit

    to you listen to and believe these leftist robots, the country is aflame in racism

    ubiquitous racism

    the racism i see is black on white, and muslim on infidels of all color

    but the crackers take the hit again

    if i lived in mn, i would get the fuck out of the state, but according to the governor, doing so defines you as an intolerant, racist asshole

    what a fool’s paradise

  4. Was it a big secret when the people of Minnesota voted for Dayton that he is an insane, radical, Leftist nutbag who despises them, their culture, customs, traditions, state, country, safety and liberty and who longed to enslave them to pay and suffer for the benefit of third-world savages and criminal invaders?

    Screw ’em.

    And, did the Governor have a few too many drinky-poos before facing the irate citizenry at this event?

  5. Looks like my hometown and state has hit the big time. *rolleyes*
    Ventura, Franken, Wellstone, and now this.
    Dayton is an idiot. He’s an heir to the fortune that founded Target corp. I’m actually more disgusted with the stupid liberals than the demanding immigrants.
    I said what I had to say at the local paper and it was pretty well received.

    Lou Pohl –
    Whatsamatta U

    “Our economy cannot expand based on, white, B+, Minnesota-born citizens. We don’t have enough,” Dayton said.

    What an insult!

    This man (Dayton) is a sorry excuse for governor. That stupid statement sounds even worse when you hear this speech challenged clown actually say it. Low info people voted for him only because of name recognition.

    We’ve welcomed and treated immigrants here very well in the past. We never had a problem with Asians who came here. They have fit in and have contributed, and I have never heard a complaint.

    In all appearances now, we are inundated with tens of thousands of people who have been brought here…who knows exactly how…
    Nobody asked us about it, and yet we’ve supported them by paying for their health care, education, food and housing etc. \
    NOW, we get complaints, get called racists and bigots, which is a LIE!
    Now WE’RE told to leave by our idiotic governor. Sheesh! (who’s paying for this craziness anyway?)

    I don’t see any assimilation taking place and I DO see expectations that we should adapt to THEIR culture.

    That’s NOT the way it’s supposed to work

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