What are these Iranian protestors shouting? – IOTW Report

What are these Iranian protestors shouting?

They are shouting DEATH TO PALESTINE.

Interesting. Pass the hummus.


Thousands of Iranians returned to the streets of Tehran on Monday in response to the significant devaluation of the country’s currency, the rial, which is disrupting business by driving up the cost of imports.
“Death to Palestine,” “Help us, not Gaza,” and “Leave Syria alone and deal with Iran,” protesters shouted, calling on the Iranian regime to invest in its own economy rather than interfering in other spheres throughout the Middle East.

8 Comments on What are these Iranian protestors shouting?

  1. psst Mr Sunni. I’m not one to spread gossip, but that Shiite just called you a stinking Jew.
    psst Mr Shiite. I’m not one to spread gossip, but that Sunni just called you a stinking Jew.

  2. BFH, try hummous and tabouli TOGETHER on pita bread. Best pita is super soft, folds over like flimsy paper–Middle-Eastern food: almost worth risking somebody’s life for (but just not yours).

  3. Since Iranians are flexible with their “Death to” threats maybe we can put up a request line. For a nominal fee will they assemble and chant “Death to California’s 43 District and it’s evil whore representative, Maxine the

    Sorry. My mind is wandering.


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