What Are They Doing ‘Up There’? – IOTW Report

What Are They Doing ‘Up There’?

Remember last month when we posted this?:
China: ControlaVirus Tests Now Done Using Anal-Swabs.

And then this happened?:
State Dept. Personnel Get Their Poop Decks Swabbed By China.

Oh sure, China will say they’re just testing for ControlaVirus, but are they, really? What if China is looking to somehow disable the human immune system [Our immune systems] just enough, to cause trouble?

Watch this short explanation of bacteria and your immune system and tell me what you think:

“There is a really interesting relationship between your gut bacteria and your immune system.”

h/t ToreSaysShow.

22 Comments on What Are They Doing ‘Up There’?

  1. I may be very off base, but only recently stumbled on you ( BFH ) in your Ken Wahl interviews, but am struggling to find anything else. where can I listen to you or watch you?

  2. But they got permission from Bathhouse Barry first, so I guess it’s ok. They would have asked Joe, but he was at Target because he heard that little girl’s dresses were 1/2 off.

  3. Man, with all the fun we’ve had with China Virus #1 this past year, I can’t WAIT to see what shenanigans we’ll get up to with China Virus #2, once they get around to releasing it. (And believe me, they’ve got something ready to go, and won’t hesitate to use it the moment they think they need to knock us back down a peg or two. They’ve already seen the damage that they can do — and that we will do to ourselves — with even such a relatively mild bug as COVID. God forbid they release something REALLY nasty next time…)

  4. The Chinese are literally and figuratively checking ass-holes.

    If Biden goes to China, will they do that to him? I think they will in an attempt to further demoralize the US. To me, they will only demoralize the dumpocrap party.

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