What are you doing instead of watching the Superbowl? – IOTW Report

What are you doing instead of watching the Superbowl?

Uncle Al asks the loaded question.



88 Comments on What are you doing instead of watching the Superbowl?

  1. We don’t always go shopping
    but when we do
    The superbowl is on the TeeVee.

    Superbowl is our “black friday” without any blacks, fridays, or really anyone at all. It’s a slice of heaven.

  2. I’m going to make a list of supporting advertisers so I can rattle off a nasty letter about my displeasure with the NFL urinating on American and its flag to them. And telling them how I will never buy any of their un-American products again…it will be a great pleasure.

  3. I’m not sure, but my husband is from Philadelphia and is planning to watch, so I told him he can’t watch it here. He is going to the assisted living to watch it with his dad. What can I say? He has no principles. Sigh.

  4. We have a pot luck lunch down at Trap and Skeet along with some shooting. Being the kindhearted guy I am I’ll probably let a few get away (as in miss). Still gets dark early here so after supper I’ll clean the guns and watch some YouTube videos on target shooting. I was never good at sports and have never seen a complete Super Bowl so this year will be no different.

  5. I’ll just be engaged in run of the mill fuckery, maybe some shenanigans if the mood strikes me. No football though, never watch it, never cared. Who is playing anyways? I heard the Lakers were playing Manchester United for the Stanley Cup, is that right?

  6. I’m going to figure out what I want to do to get rid of the Q#%U# Google bar on my new phone. It’ll be either install a new launcher or just say Fsck It and root the dang thing. Then I’ll do that and get all geeky and stuff.

    This will be happening at my sister’s and BIL’s place, and they’ll have the game on, but I’ll be looking at a 6″ screen instead of the 60″ one. Oh, and eating wings, chips and salsa, and drinking plonk.

  7. “I am going to chase AA around the house——— with the vacuum cleaner ”

    Wait, what happens if you catch her? I’m thinking massive hickeys. 2 inches in diameter, perfectly round. LOL

  8. I’m double-checking all the inner wheel bearings for excessive fungus, then cruising over to help Jethro with that tranny.
    Sheesh, nowadays, that just sounds wierd.

  9. Having my sister and brother over for dinner. Will play cards, talk and laugh. We don’t have a TV, so we make our own entertainment. Then I’ll go visit Mom at the retirement home and give her a list of Trump accomplishment I made for her. She wants to lord it over some of the anti-Trump residents.

  10. @AA, we all good.

    Squamous of the hypopharnyx.(sinus) bad shit caught early.
    Week 5 of rads, week 10 chemo this week. I might be good before April. Imagine a > 9CM tumor growing in less than 6 weeks in your neck. That started Halloween.

    VietVet gave me some great tips that help with side effects.

    Next Christmas will be a real celebration!

  11. My neighbor invited my wife and I to watch the super bowl. I said, “Thanks but I loath football.” My wife, who couldn’t give a crap less about football, insisted we go. The neighbor’s had just finished their basement and said I could play pool and socialize instead. Guess what I will be doing. Crap.

  12. Reboot — Yikes! But very glad to know your treatments are underway and you’re sounding very upbeat. That was a very fast growing tumor.

    My surgery is finally scheduled for Valentine’s Day. Very good news to report on that. I had a cysto (look it up) last week and what was thought to be two tumors turned into only one large one, and it is hanging on, literally, by a thread which means it will be easy to remove and is invading a tiny amount of healthy tissue. Then it’s local chemo at intervals throughout the year along with additional cystos. So the situation is as good as it can get and I am incredibly grateful.

    Reboot — You’re in my prayers! (And thank you! IOTWReporters, for yours.)

  13. I’ll hike, read, cook, clean, reload, and relax.

    Might look up the traitorous companies that advertise on this event and add them to my boycott. I’m already boycotting 4 from the start of this nonsense.

  14. Going to the Indian restaurant early before the snow gets too heavy. Joined a private Facebook group for the anti-stupor bowl party. I’ll probably knit and bitch with the group.

  15. Reboot and Abigail Adams I will add a prayer session to tomorrow’s non-stupor bowl time. Prayers and good thoughts for you both. This spring I will be a 14 year cancer survivor.

  16. @ Abigail, fortunately still young enough to put up a good fight.😉 good luck with yours, the different chemos have differing ways of knocking the stuffing out of you.

    We’ll see how bad the scarring is from my Christmas blisters reaction to one. Waist up, whole body for a month. Looked worse than measles. Yummy! Still peeling tissue.

  17. Forgot to say who – er, I mean, what – I’ll be doing tomorrow besides watching the Stupor Bowl. That would be whatever comes to mind. Besides watching the SB, that is. Maybe I’ll listen to my ultra-rare 78 RPM recording of Adolf Hitler singing, “I Didn’t Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier”.

    The pre-WW1 version, that is.

  18. Eugenia — thank you!! 14 year survivor!! That’s wonderful.

    Reboot — Gah! Blisters? That must have been a horror for you. Very glad to know you’re on the mend from that. Been doing a lot of reading on RFA/MWA therapies. I have a dear friend who has stage 4 primary colon/secondary (very involved) liver cancer right now, just diagnosed last month. She’s going through chemo, but there are additional therapies that she can look at, too. Dang cancer.

  19. Well if it’s snowing I ain’t movin.’ No snow, well I’ll take the manager of the house to IHOP for a late breakfast. Then we’ll take a ride along Seven Lakes Drive to Cold Springs. There we’ll watch the ice flows on the Hudson, across from West Point. Sometimes we can see eagles eating fish on the ice flows. That must piss off the Animal Rights crowd. Poor fish shit! Then back home to attack a bottle of vodka and check the numbers. I’m hoping for Pats 21/ Eagles 20. This way I’ll make a big score and send BFH a few bucks. Which you all should do BTW. win or lose. With IOTW report, we are all well informed winners. The phucking New York Times cost a buck a day, and lies to us..

  20. Getting all my business tax stuff together and ready to send in on Monday, writing return emails to biz contacts from past week, laundry and baking 2 loaves of Mennonite Lady Cinnamon bread…I’ll probably turn on Saturday’s NY Islanders vs Columbus Blue Jackets game. This is an NHL household. 👍😊


    Some of us fat guys in Cal not only shoot back, but we kill. There are several Kalasnikovers who have not eaten a meal in 5 decades who were they still breathing would vouch for me.

  22. Sleeping, I have to be up at 12:30 AM tomorrow to go to work. And I just finished 2 days of mom duty watching her while my dad’s in the hospital with COPD, I just got home about 45 minutes ago so I’m going to bed and don’t give a damn about the stupor bowl.

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