What Cops Have to Deal With – IOTW Report

What Cops Have to Deal With

29 Comments on What Cops Have to Deal With

  1. Did anyone notice that the whale was hit three times and didn’t go down until the fourth wack with the tonfa? I betcha she did not complete High School.

  2. You could easily see, even before she began ranting, the unmistakable physicality of a Mexican lass. Rolls of fat hanging over her belt, and flopping tits. A lifetime of greasy food produces specimens like her. The insanity is probably caused by the inhuman repression she faces daily in our racist society.

  3. It was not until 1:52 that someone came to help and the office had her on the ground by that time.
    Way to man up guys. Go get your pink hats. Twice while living in Cali I bailed out of my truck to help with bad guys. There not tough at all if you take them 1 on 1. It was the roving band of thugs or crazies you have to be careful of.

  4. I think I would have asked the officer, “May I?”, then walked over and cold-cocked the bitch. “All yours, now, sir”, and walked away.
    The officer was trying to be too nice.


    The appropriate force, for the appropriate situation. She’s obviously on drugs, so pain isn’t going to stop her.

    Pepper spray, taser (it is concrete though) or, I DON’T KNOW? –wait for back up and throw a weighted net over her?

    Do the least amount of harm as possible. THAT’S what we are paying them for. Not giving them excuses to tee-off on the public and then claim probable cause.

    Appropriate force for appropriate circumstances.

  6. I can’t believe it took so long for someone to help the policeman. However, one never knows if they would be in the way if she had a knife or gun and police would have to use heavier force and helpful person would be in the way.

  7. Druggies are walking Biohazards.
    Spitting, biting.
    AIDS. Hepatitus C.
    Live, bedbugs, fleas.
    Third World diseases you don’t want to bring home to the wife and kids.

    Duterte is getting results. We will eventually adopt his methods here because all other options will have failed.

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