What Country is the Black National Anthem For? – IOTW Report

What Country is the Black National Anthem For?

44 Comments on What Country is the Black National Anthem For?

  1. The song “Lift Every Voice and Sing” was a hymn written by a black Christian musician . The last stanza mentions God and following Him and our “native land “which is about America. Mr Johnson would probably not have appreciated it being made into the theme song for BLM.

  2. “Halftime now is when black women strut their empowerment and sexuality, shake their asses, twerk.”

    But don’t you DARE point out how many black abortions.
    Or the obesity rate among black women.
    Or all the commercials where the black men have White women for wives.
    Hell, even the E-Trade baby got himself a little White-baby-girl wife.

    Shhhhhhhh!!!! Shush with your truth Loco!

  3. This is the last stanza. It is clearly about America. I wonder if they will sing that at the SB:

    GOD of our weary years, GOD of our silent tears
    Thou Who has brought us thus far on the way
    Thou Who hast by Thy might, led us into the light
    Keep us for-e-ver in the path we pray

    Lest our feet, stray from the places our GOD where me met thee
    Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world we forget Thee
    Shadowed beneath thy hand, may we forever stand

  4. That E-trade commercial was funny.

    Times in Hollywood must be tough considering how many stars[cough] are doing dopey commercials now.

    So far my favorite was the Farmers Dog food commercial.

    I figure I got about another 10 more minutes before it’s safe to turn my TV back on.

  5. Exactly, LocoBlancoSaltine. The left’s goal – make every black woman a whore and every black man a murdering thug. Black lives NEVER mattered to the left or their enablers.

  6. First, there was a commercial about how important women are to the NFL…..sure!!
    Then a commercial aired for Sutter Health with a lesbian couple, one black and one Asian, having a baby. I wonder who impregnated who?

    Somebody kick that Mohammed in his bad ankle already.

  7. Why is 87% of the American population being held hostage by the 13% of the black population? We are not supposed to be the Divided States of America but the United States of America. Singing the black national anthem before the Star-Spangled Banner is nothing but divisive. I’d bet that the left and the blacks would and BLM etc. would go apeshit if White America took a knee while the black national anthem was sung first. Tell me later who won the Stupor bowl because right now I could care less.

  8. I grew up with football.
    Super Bowls were a holiday I looked forward to.

    As a Redskin fan I cheered when Doug Williams beat Denver.
    The fact that he was black was incidental, he was my QB.
    Those were better times.
    I even had a shirt with him on it.
    Nowadays I wouldn’t wear it because it symbolizes wokeness.

    The fact that there are two black QBs shouldn’t be a story.
    The more they make it the more it becomes a black vs white thing.

  9. I knew this wasn’t going to be a football game, but a woke arama. I haven’t watched. Plus Philadelphia is a shit hole. I think Kansas City is the same, but I don’t know for sure.

    I just refuse to watch.

  10. Great comments, FenelonSpoke. The authors of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” were affluent, Christian, black American brothers who benefited from the American dream our God-focused Founding Fathers constructed for every American.
    Even though they were Democrats, believing the Demwit party’s lie of benevolence, they knew American was the greatest nation on Earth. They also were attempting to honor Pres. Lincoln with the song. Shocker!

    You’re right. The Johnson brothers would not be pleased with Marxist organizations adopting their song. Based on the lyrics, “the struggle” was black Americans keeping their faith in Christ, because the victory was already won over oppression.

    More details about the songs origins;

  11. Why the fuck are they here, if the actual AMERICAN national anthem isn’t good enough for their enlightened asses?
    A lot of people are going to be pretty enthusiastic about that race war these tribal assholes are always threatening.

  12. God loves us all. Yellow, Black and White. We are His creation,,, but,,,, our govt should offer all takers, of any race, $200K and a one way ticket to the Dark Continent with the stipulation that citizenship here is forfeited. After the 1st huge wave raise the offer by $25K, with the same conditions and continue as needed. Never make it mandatory, at all. Not necessary. That is a lot of money in Africa and soon there would be great progress made at a much lesser price than continuing to support them with welfare. The receiving countries would prosper off the huge injection of money and job created and even follow up with foreign aid for their cooperation.
    Should have picked our own cotton. Everyone would have been better off,,, except the slave traders and the devil. There are 3 races for a reason and the Creator did not make a mistake and want us to fix it. Unfortunately, the democrats would never hear of it,,,, unless those folks quit voting democrat. But then again, we print the F’ing money and rig the elections, so their votes are not necessary any longer. Sound like a plan??? Good for everyone.

  13. The funny thing is, not one African country adopts it.
    Only pushed here by the white liberals who do not understand the history behind it.
    Playing anything other than the national anthem is unacceptable to me.

  14. Kari Lake is THE BOSS!
    Look at the expression on her face – priceless!

  15. I’m corn-fused. Does this mean Blacks aren’t Americans? Is this a signal that they want to be segregated while at the same time wanting inclusion? I thought we were all Americans, citizens of the same nation. What nation is she singing about? This is all so bizarre.

  16. I acquiesce to their wishes.
    If they want to be separate, a sub-set, not really Americans, but just dissatisfied, unwelcome guests in this country…
    ..I will consider them such.

    The first Superbowl I cared about was #III.
    I stopped caring about 15 years ago and now I eagerly anticipate the NFL’s deserved demise and dissolution.


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