What did Hillary drop? – IOTW Report

What did Hillary drop?

There’s a metal clinking sound and a mysterious item hitting the ground at Hillary’s feet.

Some say it’s coming out her pant leg. I dunno about that.

One guy snarkily said it’s a a thumb drive with all her emails on it.

Another said it’s a catheter pin.

I think it’s the safe deposit key where she has her pact with the devil stored.


ht/ Meerkat

63 Comments on What did Hillary drop?

  1. More earnestly: because of the weak resolution and foreshortening of the angle, it’s not 100% clear it came out of her pants. It *could* have been something the white, bald guy (to her right) had in his hand and inadvertantly dropped to catch the unexpectedly collapsing witch.

  2. As I noted a few days ago, that thing is really an arthropod alien wearing Hillary’s skin. Being an arthropod, periodically it molts, and this time the molt began a little earlier than it expected. One of its articulated claws shed its exoskeleton and hit the ground. When the claw came loose, the alien’s control over the disguising skin deteriorated, and that’s why “she” became unstable.

  3. It was the chick in the middle with the beige handbag. She threw down something with her right hand and it bounced off the Hildebeast onto the pavement. Security then stuffed her into the van like a slab of hag meat. Perhaps an injection of something into the comatose HRC?

  4. Based on personal experience with a loved one, people with Parkinsons Disease are prone to strokes. I am saying I think Shrillary had a stroke this morning. She may recover fast, but more will come, until the last one puts her down into vegetative state, then to death. This is the eventuality with Parkinsons. Those staunch Shrillary supporters need to think carefully, because Timmy in the lead chair is not acceptable to America.

  5. NOW the Dems are claiming it’s “pneumonia”!!!
    (after claiming about 4 other things…typically Clintonesque)


    After all the dragging up the stairs,
    after all the coughing fits,
    after all the…YOU FILL IN THE BLANKS.

    She is terminally ill.

    The ultimate diagnosis:

  6. The soviets aren’t the only ones who propped up dead or comatose leaders. The Democrats have been doing it for years. There have been so many instances where a nearly-dead old Dem senator or congressman would be out of the public eye for months yet.. they were still phoning in their votes!

  7. “Hillary’s campaign did not immediately explain why the Democratic nominee did not reveal the pneumonia diagnosis prior to the Sunday incident, raising questions of transparency.”
    Really?! You dickheads in the press don’t know that the reason they “didn’t reveal it” was because they HADN’T MADE IT UP YET?!?!?

  8. That lady is messed up. They’re propping her up against that post and she stumbles before she’s even stepped off the curb. She’s doing some weird head movements too. Looks like a seizure of some kind.

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