What Did I JUST SAY About Robert Smigel’s “Betty White” joke? – IOTW Report

What Did I JUST SAY About Robert Smigel’s “Betty White” joke?

I posted a video of Robert Smigel getting unsuspecting people to say “Betty White Rules!” (And other variants.)

Then he edited the video to have Trump supporters saying, “White Rules!”

Ha ha.

I said it wasn’t as funny as it was an accurate description of what the left does.

Right on cue, behold—-


ABC News apologized late Tuesday after being caught deceptively editing a quote from former George W. Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer during the  Monday night edition of Nightline.  ABC edited Fleischer’s words to make it look like he was being more critical of White House press secretary Sean Spicer in the taped interview than he actually was.

Nightline quoted Fleischer as saying, “[Spicer’s] briefing made me uncomfortable. It was too truculent, too tough. It looks as if the ball was dropped on Saturday.” But that is not what Fleischer meant to convey at all. The point he was trying to make was actually complimentary of Spicer.

12 Comments on What Did I JUST SAY About Robert Smigel’s “Betty White” joke?

  1. Shooting them would be too easy, an act of mercy. I rather enjoy watching the media suffering the slow painful death they’re currently experiencing. Every day they lose a bit more credibility, a few more viewers, more ad revenue.

    Look at dan rather or brian williams…

  2. These subversive scum have such a grip on the dispersion of major media. I await for the day they need something like secret service protection to keep them from being ripped to shreds by the public.

  3. I bet the juiceboxers at ABC had to google the word “truculent” to make sure it’s a bad thing about Spicer. Now we’ll hear “truculent” everywhere as it becomes this week’s “gravitas”. Maybe longer if they realize they can say “truculent Trump”.

  4. Everything the Media has done, they’ve done willingly , with malice aforethought.

    Damn them to Hell. Make them pay for the damage they’ve cause us all.

    In America, trust used to be the prevailing sentiment.
    These louses have flipped that; parsing words, hiding the truth, promoting outright lies to forward an agenda and to crassly make a buck.
    Now, mistrust rules.

  5. These people are like an Army that is deployed in the front lines without realizing that the enemy now has snipers everywhere. They’re operating as if they are still in the rear without any sort of light and sound discipline .. and they’re getting picked off left and right

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