Rush to judgement? Three crucial questions remain unanswered about Capitol siege.
Just the News: What did Nancy Pelosi know? A prior plot or spontaneous riot? Were there inside facilitators?
One thing recent history has taught America is the first storyline of major tragedies or controversies is never the most accurate.
Americans were told by the Bush administration that they were sucker-punched by a surprise attack on 9/11 by terrorists, only to learn the CIA and FBI had significant advance evidence of the plot and its players and failed to connect the dots.
Susan Rice originally told the nation that the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was carried out spontaneously by a mob angered by an anti-Muslim video. The attack, it turned out, was pre-planned and carried out by an al-Qaeda-aligned terror group in Libya.
The country was assured Christopher Steele’s dossier provided credible evidence of Donald Trump colluding with Russia, when in fact the CIA and FBI knew almost immediately it was uncorroborated and based in part on Russian disinformation.
And now just a week after the heinous and deadly siege of the U.S. Capitol, the final narrative of what actually happened is still being written, revised and unmasked.
Since the weekend, major bombshell revelations already have substantially revised the initial story of a spontaneous mob overrunning an unsuspecting Capitol police force.
The FBI admitted Tuesday it received information ahead of the Jan. 6 tragedy suggesting some participants were planning a “war” on the Capitol, including killing officers and distributing maps of the complex. It alerted Washington D.C. law enforcement through the joint terrorism task force alert system. It also “disrupted” the travel plans of some of the suspected trouble-makers.
“We developed some intelligence that a number of individuals were planning to travel to the D.C. area with intentions to cause violence,” Assistant Director Steven M. D’Antuono said. “We immediately shared that information, and action was taken.”
The New York Police Department is reported to have given the Capitol Police similar intelligence warnings of impending violence.
The chief federal prosecutor in Washington declared Tuesday he is pursuing conspiracy charges, signaling the attacks on the Capitol involved multiple acts and multiple conspirators working in concert with each other. The prosecutor talked about the planting of carefully constructed IEDs as one such act. In other words, there was pre-planning for some elements of last Wednesday’s chaos.
And the official timeline of events constructed by the New York Times through videos shows protesters began breaching the perimeter of the Capitol a full 20 minutes before Trump finished his speech.
This new evidence raises the first compelling question that remains unanswered. How could Trump incite an attack that had already been pre-planned and was in motion before his speech ended? MORE HERE
And still we allow this to continue. Servers in Frankfurt, sworn affidavits by the hundreds, state legislators in multiple states asking for investigations, and here we sit waiting for biden/harris to be sworn in. All we lack is trained monkeys handing out bananas and throwing shit at us.
Like Pelosi NEEDS an excuse to impeach Trump. That evil spiteful crazy bitch can impeach him again every single day until he leaves office if she wants, just because she can. Like a lot of things in life, impeachment kind of loses its impact after multiple applications, and then you just stop giving a fuck about it. She wants to nail Trump on something — ANYTHING — before he leaves office so she claim it as a victory, and time is running out.
We still don’t know what the fuck that rat bastard Clinton cocksucker Sandy Berger stuffed in his socks from the National Archive after 9/11.
We likely never will.
To whom does the Sargent of Arms report to?
Seriously, if they are going to impeach President Trump post-presidency, then Clinton needs to be impeached for Sandy Berger stealing documents and Obama for blaming Benghazi on a YouTube video.
Fucking better fight fire with fire or we are doomed as a sovereign nation.
I cannot stress enough how motherfuckers need to wake the fuck up and fight!
They both need to be terminated – with extreme prejudice.
Know? By the looks of things these assholes set it up.
The senate and house each have a sgt of arms. Both were shit canned. If both have tragic accidents in the near future we’ll know they weren’t in on it.
There’s one video out there that shows a black cop pretending to try and hold back the crowd from coming into the lower landing where the steps lead up to the chambers. He was alone, never drew his side arm and basically was showing them the way to get there. It was so obvious what he was doing. Many of you probably saw it.
This was all contrived!
17 years ago Sec State told us Sandy took nothing important!
If you can not trust the Sec State who do ou trust?!@#!?
GWB’s boy Colin
That was odd behavior of that black cop!
It was like a dance
We know Trump won in 2020.
We know Democrats cheat.
We know Democrats lie.
We know Republicans are weak.
No one’s buying what Pelosi & Mc-Benedict Arnold are selling.
The Clinton’s should have been given the Rosenberg treatment, but the American people don’t seem to have the stomach for that, look how many sit on death row before they meet their maker. Until people are punished for their crimes nothing is ever going to change.
“And now just a week after the heinous and deadly siege of the U.S. Capitol…”
Is it just me because I wasn’t there, but the above words seem hyperbolic. Considering millions of people descended on Washington and a brief escalation of emotions boiled over at the Capitol. One woman was murdered and 3 others died, but not through violence. This is what I understand, anyway. Is this anywhere even close to the “heinous” violence in any of the affected cities over the summer? Millions were at in DC that day and this little scuffle is a deadly siege?
I’m not denying the effect it’s had because of the enemy’s use of it but the actual event seemed pretty mild in terms of a riot.
@gin blossom, did you notice there was a cameraman just ahead of him on the stairs.
Then when they got upstairs there were already cameras up there focused on the entrance.
Looked like a set up to me.
Siege my ass.
Where were the siege towers? What about the flaming battering rams? Trebuchets?
We just showed the world what a bunch of pussies our leaders are. AOC literally shaking because they almost died.
I can’t wait for the BLM/Aunty Fa to turn on their handlers. It is bound to happen.
Answer to Brad’s question earlier: To whom does the Sargent at Arms report to? Well, to the Master Bater of course:-)
The democrats have been behind all this, from the wuhan flu all the way up to the current line of bullshit.
Convince me otherwise.
They both blame Trump for the vandalism of their homes when it was ANTIFA.
This could get really interesting.
Maybe Mitch and Nance were double-crossed.
Here. Put on these foil hats.
Maybe Mitch and Nancy did set it up so that the building was stormed.
But what if the people who did the planning kept all the IM’s and the phone calls to bust them with it afterwards? Nancy and Mitch get perp walked, and the dems are free of both of them. And maybe they catch biden and his people with them.
Ah, a girl can dream…
Lovin’ you’re girly dream, 😁 I’m right there with you. 😉
MJA, Miss Kitty – I join you in that girly dream!
Who’s going to perp walk Nancy and Mitch? The FBI? I would trust the veracity of a professional wrestling match before I would trust the FBI.
It is going to take someone from an unlikely place to clean up the mess we are in. The people who should do it aren’t going to.
RadioMattM- no, the capitol police. They are probably pretty PO’d right now. lol
Now that I think about it, wouldn’t it be great to see the WWE take the miscreants into custody?