What Do We Want? Green New Deal! When Do We Want It? “Present” – IOTW Report

What Do We Want? Green New Deal! When Do We Want It? “Present”


On Tuesday, the “Green New Deal,” which is co-sponsored by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Markey, was brought up for a vote in the Senate, and most Democrats only voted “present” rather than show support for saving the world from a fiery demise in less than 12 years (or something). Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who the Democrats have criticized for bringing their own resolution to a vote, noticed that the Left’s rhetoric is very different than their actual voting on the issue: — Leader McConnell @senatemajldr: “The Senate voted on the Green New Deal today: 0 Yeas, 57 Nays, and 43 Senators voted PRESENT” — OUCH!

7 Comments on What Do We Want? Green New Deal! When Do We Want It? “Present”

  1. This nonsense shows the dimicretins what hypocrites they are. They’re all for it, until they have to commit to it. Not a one did as they promised, A typical election view from the side.
    The have the back bone of a amoeba. [none] The repubs are no better, a sniveling bunch of sheetweasels!

  2. Knowing the Democrats would do that, the Republicans should have voted “present,” also, signifying that the whole notion of a “green new deal” was unworthy of acknowledgment.


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