What do you do with thousands of people who collectively defy our law enforcement and crash our border? – IOTW Report

What do you do with thousands of people who collectively defy our law enforcement and crash our border?

Last week the histrionic and idiotic Geraldo asked Sean Hannity, in reference to the caravan, “what are you going to do, shoot them?”

Hannity didn’t know how to answer, because Hannity needs scripted, rehearsed, repetitive talking points to function.

The response to Geraldo should have been, “what are you saying? Are you saying this caravan intends on not listening to law enforcement? They intend on confronting our military and thumbing their noses and storming past them as if we have absolutely no say in the matter?”

What’s Geraldo going to say at that point?

“Yes, this is what they intend on doing and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Then the appropriate response would be, “yes, we can do something about it. We can stop them by any means necessary. When will these invaders ever respect our nation if on day one they think our laws are something to laugh at?”

This is a leftwing funded experiment that is designed to test how far we are willing to go to protect the concept of “borders,” something globalists abhor. Geraldo, and other bleeding hearts like him, are enemies of the state, whether he knows it or not.

The prime directive is obvious. The caravan was offered asylum and jobs in Mexico and they turned it down. Their mission is to see how far we are willing to go when they are told to stop at our border and they keep marching right into the country. The migrants are expendable pawns in a leftwing globalist experiment.

The left believes this is a win-win. If they march in, unencumbered, they win. If they get physically stopped with the use of force, the left believes they win because of the optics. They will make sure there is a dead mother, a baby crying, the bent baby carriage, a doll with blood spatter on it, released royalty-free through AP and Reuters. The same picture, taken with a better lens, a better angle, artistically framed, will win a Pulitzer.

This is an invasion. Do we let it happen?



43 Comments on What do you do with thousands of people who collectively defy our law enforcement and crash our border?

  1. If we don’t stop them they will be sending more in a few weeks to walk over the empty words we don’t back up. Keep the reporters who want to use the event as a club on trump out as well. You can thank the left for the problem because they are the problem and they need to be stopped as well.

  2. The answer to Geraldo is yes, if they invade our country we shoot them.
    If Democrats continue to invite illegal aliens here and ignore the constitution then Democrats are enemies of the United States and should be arrested.

  3. Trump should deliver a national, televised address and make it clear that the US views mexico as enabling an invasion. Declare our intent to protect our border now and in the future. Declare our intent to move our armed forces into mexico with the objective being to stop the invaders. Once that is done we will move our forces back on our side of the border and build a big beautiful wall, paid for by stopping all aid and transfers of cash to all of the countries participating in this attempted invasion.

  4. Joe6pak is right … why are we waiting for an invading force to reach our border before we stop them. At the very least INSIST Mexico accept our help in interdicting their supply lines and transportation. At a minimum!

  5. This is no different than what the Border Patrol does daily. It is just larger in scope. Round them up and process them just like any other illegal invader.

    Oh, the holding cell you’re in is crowded and cramped? Should have thought about that before embarking on the voyage with 1000’s. Oh, your detention period is longer, because the processing system is overloaded? Should have thought about that before trying to enter another country with 1000’s.

    This situation is no different than a huge natural disaster that displaces 10’s of thousands of our own citizens. You setup a triage, like a stadium, encircle it with armed guards and start laying out mattresses and cots. Roll in a few Sysco trucks full of food and setup a station to deal with administration of these individuals within the scope of the law.

    Done properly, this whole caravan could be rounded up and disposed of within 6 weeks. I bet this planning is going on as I type. You won’t hear about it until it happens because it would give the pearl clutching goofs something to start protesting about before the caravan of losers arrives.

  6. Let’s call a spade…a spade.

    We are being invaded by an enemy of our way of life. So, declare war and start shooting every last one that tries to cross the border. I am so sick of this horseshit.

    “Mayday! Mayday! Zips are inside the wire.”

  7. They’re mostly fighting age young men. No matter how well they might be treated, they will RIOT. Combine that with (I insist) the Antifa types who head south toward the border to rear attack law enforcement and the military. Barring 9-11, this has the makings to be the ugliest thing this country has seen in 50 years or more — the fact that it’s all on Trump will cause the Left to go all out.

    SO…since no matter how hard he is, he’ll be supported by real Americans but crucified by globalists and traitors in ANY case, he needs to set a hard example and this will be his only chance to do it.

    The harder he hammers them, if it comes to that, the more I support him.

  8. Non lethal solution one:
    Take 20 plastic Sparklett’s bottles. Cut the top off and invert the top and you have a fly trap, as they cannot fly straight up. Drop a piece of fish in there and wait three weeks. It will be full of flies (and I mean full) who breed and cannot fly out.
    Crop dust the caravan with cane syrup
    Then drop these fly cannisters every hundred feet along the caravan.

  9. Trump can officially close the borders, at his pleasure, on Nov 5th. Then watch see what the Dems do – seeing that NOV 6th is voting day. It’ll show they are more interested in illegals than their own people, if they yell. If they don’t say anything, it hurts them with the progs and illegals. win-win.

    In the meantime, let’s get that tear gas, and the Army ready to go.

  10. Let’s call their bluff…Best solution would be to truck them all to elite democratic neighborhoods and deliver them to those who want them so much. Sanctuary tent cities in Hollywood right where they live!!! Obama, Clinton, and even Geraldo should welcome them with open arms!

  11. President Trump needs to allow the invading hoard into the US:

    Register each of them
    Transport each to their US congressional “sponsor”, or bleeding heart media personality, or Hollywood socialist.

    Let them put their money, family, and property where their mouths have spouted

  12. They need to be disbanded before they get here. Because when they get here, their reinforcements are the media and Democrats.

    Anyone who thinks that they are going to shoot into an unarmed crowd that includes women and children, whatever their motivations, are preparing themselves for a PR coup the likes of which we’ll never see again – mainly because the powers that be here will ensure that the next wave of illegals is given the grand tour of their new home, complete with a fastpass welfare card, voting card, drivers license and vouchers to become your new next door neighbor.

    No. They need to be disbanded in Mexico as far from the border as possible. Divide them up. Sever their communications. Round them up and drop them off 1,000 miles in the other direction.

    Good luck. Or not.

    Find out who they are coordinating with and then prosecute them for trying to internationally undermine our laws. If a Soros group is behind it, ban them from our country and banking system. Send the people coordinating it to federal prison.

    Anyone who tries to come into our country illegally should realize the penalty is a permanent lifetime ban on them entering for any reason.

    Judges should be on standby at the border to hand down lifetime bans as they happen. With prison buses at the ready and invoices for the invaders’ native governments payable upon receipt for the hassle of shipping their trash back to them.

  13. i really hate being a nitpicking grammar nazi, but you do not intend ON…..you intend TO…..

    and furthermore, it’s way past time people remembered the subjunctive tense…..if i WERE, not if i WAS in charge…..

    these are the little niceties of the english language that make it so expressive….you can say more in english than any other language – mostly because if we can’t say it in english, we steal YOUR word for it….but still….

    people need to know HOW TO SPEAK/WRITE proper english…..

  14. PDT needs to declare marshall law in all counties on the border – this dispenses with all the silly immigration laws telling him he can’t send them back or must take them in if they claim asylum……

    he needs to call an emergency session of congress, and NOT LET THEM GO HOME, until they send him a “build the wall” spending bill……in the last days before an election…..

    then, he needs to send way more than 800 troops to the border…..and call for civilian volunteers….most of us have jobs and stuff, but there are many retirees that would be willing to MAN THE WALL……especially if he would deputize them, and give them immunity from criminal or civil suits….

    this is a national emergency, and the president should react to it as such…..big problems call for drastic solutions…jus sayin

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