What Do You Suppose Happens To You If You Break A Law Created By the EPA? – IOTW Report

What Do You Suppose Happens To You If You Break A Law Created By the EPA?

HT/ fdr in hell

12 Comments on What Do You Suppose Happens To You If You Break A Law Created By the EPA?

  1. This is why the next president needs to make the EPA and many other assorted federal agencies including BLM null and void for all intents and purposes. Take away all enforcement authority (and the armed thugs they have hired to do the enforcing) from these agencies and if an actual law (rather than a regulation that was created by an abusive federal agency) is violated, send it to the existing court system.

  2. Don’t some regulatory agencies have to fund themselves via imposed fines and winning cases against the citizenry and companies? If true, that’s some real incentive to infringe on businesses.

    I’m pretty sure I read this years ago but I wouldn’t know how to begin to verify it.

  3. The EPA is an executive branch department (among many others) of unelected government employees that writes laws, a power only given to the legislative branch. Laws that have a power not applicable to other laws. That is violate their laws, and you are guilty until proven innocent or financially ruined. A violation of the principle set forth in the 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments of being innocent until proven guilty.

    Normally Congressmen and Senators wouldn’t tolerate this encroachment on powers reserved to them. However, their higher goal is to control people. So they don’t mind, and they don’t fight against it and insist that regulations written by an executive branch department only has the force of law after being approved by both branches of the legislative branch and signed into law by the president. SCOTUS doesn’t care about it either. The press isn’t interested in the abuses. The majority of citizens don’t love freedom enough to vote them out of office for not prohibiting these abuses. Complete corruption. imo.

  4. Once again I say welcome to the New Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, autocratic regulation where the only thing that’s free is disinformation, division and deceit where the Marxist Left is creating systems within systems to brand those rotten Capitalists guilty of anything!

  5. I said it in 2008, ‘Now, we’re fucked’.

    I said it in 2012, ‘Now, we’re super-fucked’.

    In 2016 I say, ‘Now, we need to get un-super-fucked’.

    DC is a stinking cesspool of greed and corruption. I’d love to pin it all on the democrats, but when many republicans are enabling them, both parties suck the big one.

    I’m seriously praying for the future of this country.

  6. Our Legislature has abrogated their authorities to the Executive Agencies because of abject cowardice. The Executive Agencies have assumed those authorities and transmogrified them into powers.

    Why We, the People, the only true Sovereign, allow them (the Enablers and the Enabled) to exist is the real mystery.

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