What Do You Think? – IOTW Report

What Do You Think?

I’ve been hearing about this on X for a few days. Not sure what to think as some are saying that “they” controlled the weather to make it flood there. That seems a little too out there for me to believe. But…

I found this on a different post on X Here.

8 Comments on What Do You Think?

  1. I’m not sure I would have been convinced, were it not for the ominous music.

    No, I don’t buy that the storm was manufactured, or even guided. But I’m sure the rest is valid. And as with Maui, the horrendous damage makes it easy for a deep-pocketed person or corporation to swoop in and buy great tracts of land.
    Note: Colorado is not the Appalachians. This area has flooded before, and the mountains are not the same as the Rockies.

  2. Anyone can file an application for a patent and get an ‘official’ number. In order to have the patent granted, you must prove it works. I wear a tinfoil hat on some things (vax) but not this one!

  3. The filth running the federal, state, and local governments can’t control the weather, but they can make sure that certain areas recover from disaster quickly and that other areas don’t recover at all. Witness how the feds & certain state bureaucrats are not allowing help to reach red areas in North Carolina if it comes from private citizens.

  4. Idiot sez…”I grew up in Colorado and it never loose in the mountains there”….

    I grew up in Colorado too and it floods in the mountains every year. I worked for Jefferson County Road and Bridge and in about 2010 Clear Creek, Coal Creek and other tributaries flooded a really good one. We worked for 3 weeks rebuilding roads and the infrastructure. A couple people died and many houses were lost in the canyons. It also churned up the rivers and creeks so people started panning for gold there again….

  5. About the only thing we know it’s not is Global Warming… or Global Cooling, Climate Pause, Climate Change or whutever the fuk they’re calling it THIS week…

    It’s been one shot-gun blast of Nina Jankowitz level of “misinformation” after another, especially with this administration! It is enough to make anyone question everything…. brought to us by the very same liars who tell us fairy tales like:
    White supremacy
    Systemic racism
    Conservatives are domestic terrorists
    Afghanistan was perfectly executed
    Hospitals are over-loaded with COVID victims
    The open Southern border is not a crisis
    Joe Biden has over-performed and sharp as a tack
    Our burning cities were “mostly peaceful protests”
    There was no election fraud
    Inflation is good!
    … so much so that tin foil just doesn’t cut it any more!!


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