Bumped: What Do You Think of This Police Shoot? – IOTW Report

Bumped: What Do You Think of This Police Shoot?

Here is Terance Crutcher’s record.

A record doesn’t mean the shoot is clean. But, this guy doesn’t do well with authority, does he?




82 Comments on Bumped: What Do You Think of This Police Shoot?

  1. If he failed to respond to the officers commands then what choice does the officer have, regardless of whether he committed a crime or not?

    I looked to me like the suspect was reaching for something that could have been a weapon.

    Who knows, maybe this guy staged the incident to commit suicide by cop.

    No matter what the lawyers say, this guy killed hisself.

  2. Thanks to the obama administration, if you are a black person you can feel relatively safe from any type of interdiction from police if you commit a crime or just don’t feel like you have to obey the lawful commands of a police officer. You know they won’t do shit because the attorney general of the US has your back…..Well, maybe NOT in Tulsa, OK!

  3. A possibility is one of the cops flinched when the guy was tapered and accidently pulled the trigger. that could have set other cops to shoot also. I didn’t read anywhere any account of total shots fired.

  4. Bad shooting, regardless of the victim’s non-compliance with police orders.
    The tazer was the appropriate action, I can only assume the female officer reacted to the sound of the tazer being fired and shot her weapon.
    I can only imagine the loss to the family and the sense of guilt the officer is experiencing.
    I have no doubt justice will prevail and the officer will assume all responsibility for her unfortunate action and be tried, convicted and sentenced.

  5. He had the opportunity to keep his hands up and place them on the back of his car, but he wanted to go to his drivers side window which was down. Did he reach in?….Maybe he did it for Colon’s protest?…

  6. This happened fairly close to me so I’ve been following the story closely. The original 911 call was from a woman who said he was acting weird, so she got away from him. He had abandoned his running car in the middle of the road, and was saying it was going to explode. The female officer came upon the car, and states on the radio that he wouldn’t show his hands. This afternoon, the local news is saying that PCP was found in the vehicle. This guy also had a record for dui, public drunk and resisting arrest. There is no video of the initial contact by the female officer so we don’t know yet what was happening; evidently something caused her to call for all the backup.

    I think this sort of thing is like a self-fulfilling prophecy in that the BLM folks reacted to Ferguson, (a justified shoot), and escalated it to calling for cops to be killed. Then cops started getting killed. Now the cops are on edge every time they have to deal with blacks that don’t cooperate, and this is the result. We don’t know yet if this shoot was justified or not, but I think these situations are intensified by the racial
    fires that are being fueled by the left. Just my two cents.

  7. Can’t really tell from these videos exactly what happened. Looked like maybe he reached in the open window of his car? Did they taze him and nothing happened? Why was the guy stopped in the first place? Why did the guy in the chopper say he “looked like a bad dude”. Where is the video leading up to the shooting? No audio from the dashcam? Too many questions to judge the cops. But they WILL be judged because they are white and the dead guy was black.

  8. Can’t make a decision on a good shoot or bad shoot yet. What was in the suv that the guy thought it was important enough to die for? Posability he was on drugs? Need more information.

  9. If this case is still going to court or has not been tried yet, I sure wish they’d stop broadcasting these videos for Youtube commenters to pass judgment. Let any person accused of a crime (cop or not) have a fair trial in court before persecuting them in the court of public opinion…….

  10. Panicky girl cop. They wouldn’t have to deal with this shit if they would have successfully tased his ass and cuffed him instead of killing him. Works out better for all parties that way.

  11. Legit shooting. Even though he had his hands up, he looked to be getting something from the car.

    However. There could be more that I’m not picking up on. Goofs like this can get wacky when they want to show you something. He may have just been trying to get his identification. Whatever the case, he clearly disobeyed orders.

  12. I can’t make the call. Seems like a panicky girl cop overreacting but remember that he wasn’t listening to the cops and could have quickly changed the dynamic. Seconds count and most of us have never worn those shoes.

  13. The guy was being passive aggressive with the police, inciting them, daring them. It would have been far better if the cop had simply gone over and thrown the perp to the ground but apparently the cop was not physically strong enough to take on the perp.

  14. “What Do You Think of This Police Shoot?”
    I found it boring… Maybe an explosion or two and boobies, with belt fed machine guns on the roof of the cop car firing with tracers bouncing off the SUV going every which where and the sound of the brass ringing as it hits the ground. Then more boobies, sweat shiny cleavage giggles as she fires the twin guns from a sunroof and such, R-rated stuff. It doesn’t have to be all Sam Peckinpah, but it needs action.

  15. The guy was looney toons and probably high on PCP and the cops are supposed to be gentle with him? Get into a wrestling match with him?

    Uh-uh. Take him down. Not worth the life of any one cop.

  16. @muddjuice:

    If this case is still going to court or has not been tried yet, I sure wish they’d stop broadcasting these videos for Youtube commenters to pass judgment. Let any person accused of a crime (cop or not) have a fair trial in court before persecuting them in the court of public opinion…

    So, you’d like it to stay the way it was before information was made available to more then an elite few? So that they can manage the info to stave off questions and conveniently remove reasonable doubt? So that when cops make a bad shoot it is easier to keep them safe from internal affairs and prosecutors and juries? So that you can have trouble looking yourself in the mirror in the morning when you think about the contradiction between between being a law enforcement officer and having one of your colleagues break the law and kill somebody and get away with it?

    This particular shooting is still up in the air. But your comment is universal, and so is my reply. We’ve got to a bad place here with the poisoned relationship between what used to be peace officers and the rest of their fellow citizens. Something’s got to give, and continuing to protect cops who shoot people when they don’t really deserve to be shot is the wrong way to fix things. We need to completely re-think the role that legislators, police, prosecutors, and judges have with their neighbors. There are too many laws without victims, and there is a completely perverted belief that cops must be obeyed in all situations even when they are being jerks and assholes, or be killed. Killed! The dismissive comment that it can all be worked out later in court is utter bullshit. Occasionally that happens, but far more often than not the innocent pay a heavy price for questioning the authority of the almighty govt and its agents.

    It’s enough to make a reasonable and moral man sick to his stomach, and sick at heart.

  17. They did keep a nut from gaining control of a deadly object — a vehicle. So there’s that. But it is a non-stop public relations war too. Gonna have to invent giant glue guns for these guys. Actually, they already have them. Hose them down and they can’t move. Lots and lots of fun too.

  18. this is what you get when you keep lowering standards for cops, firemen, military et al, pussy men ,and chickenshit women who shoot an unarmed man instead of just beating the shit out of him

  19. Yahoo news reports it as police responding to a stalled car.
    Cotton Picker says it was reported that he abandoned his running car, someone reported him as acting weird.
    I find Cotton Picker Cracker more reliable than Yahoo.

    CPC says PCP on the DOA, OK!

  20. Lastly, if this mofo wasn’t blown away in this incident he’d certainly have created another incident in the future.
    That’s just how these guys roll.

    File him under T.

    For Trash.

  21. Whenever Benjamin Crump is involved you know the story the media is pushing is 98% lies. I’m sure there’s more to the story.

    I wish there was better sound. It looks like he wasn’t responding to police orders and while his hands were up at one point, they clearly were doing something when he got tasered and then shot.

  22. Uncle Al, Too many people are convicted wrongly in the court of public opinion. It creates an extra hurdle possibly tainting potential jury pools. It can also become a death sentence by the public even if the shooter is in the right. People often see what they want to see.

    For the peeps saying he was shot on the ground – you can hear the pop of the gun before he fell. The shot is what took him down to ground – after the tazer did not do it’s job.

    Double result. Reasonable shoot yet she’s fucked.

    Exit question: If someone twice as large as you runs at you with their hands up – not allowed to defend yourself?

    Are the hands being up becoming a loophole opportunity to harm an officer because he’s prevented from firing with this magical position of the hands? NO MATTER WHAT ELSE HE DOES WITH THE REST OF HIS BODY?

  23. whatever happened to cops dog-piling a suspect and cuffing them, and THEN sorting out the details? was this guy being told to get down with his hands in sight, and not listening? when i see cops with guns trained on someone, i’m thinking that they’re telling him to “get down”. guy walks to his car and reaches in during all that, he’s fleeing or reaching.

  24. Tazer was justified before he reached the vehicle. When he’s within reach of weapon that could have been inside drivers window…tuff titties all bets are off. another crackhead off to the landfill.

  25. Dadof4, and too many cops are wrongly exonerated when the public is prevented from knowing what the copy did and why.

    Your exit question demands another answer first. What preceded the situation when the big guy with his hands up runs at you? Did you instigate the situation? Did you aggravate the situation? If you did, can you retreat safely?

    I won’t address your final questions about hands up. It is not up to your usual standards of thoughtfulness.

  26. @Racer X:

    Don’t want to get shot? Try obeying the instructions of law enforcement.

    I’ve seen a man pulled out of his car and beaten down because he didn’t obey a law enforcement officer’s instruction to put out his cigarette. He was smoking in his own car. He was charged with obstruction and resisting arrest with force. It was his word against the cop’s.

    Do you really want to live in a society where that’s acceptable behavior on the part of an agent of the govt? I don’t. If you do, bend over and grease your butt.

  27. @Dadof4 – you could have truncated your first sentence after the word “court” and been accurate as well. Based on personal experience, I have to applaud Uncle Al’s comment. Far too often, the court system is a corrupt extension of the police bureaucracy that willfully perverts actual justice to cover up the crimes of their fellow govt. employees.

    This particular incident is a tough call because the video isn’t clear enough (or complete enough) to provide definitive details of what actually occurred. But I can tell you that if you’ve ever been in a situation where the cops destroyed their own video recording to hide their crimes (and falsified other evidence including the police report), you would appreciate the recording being made available to the public so at least people other than the cops and their associates in the court system whose jobs depend on having people charged with crimes (accurately or not) can see what transpired.

  28. I recently had a chat with a young cop.
    He was very immature and ignorant in the ways of the world.
    I don’t automatically give cops a pass because many of them are dumb assholes.
    That said, I am so tired of the blacks bitching I can’t muster up any sympathy for these shootings.

  29. Loco, I had to educate a couple of cops last year about the knock-out game. They had never heard of it and didn’t believe me until they saw the utube videos. They do hire some stupid ones sometimes.

  30. Title IX. FAILS every time it’s tried. Sports. Firefighters. Police. Military.

    No offense ladies but facts is facts.

    Y’all can be great accountants,CEOs, but there are just some things that are best left for us knuckle dragging men, when encountering other 200 + pound knuckle dragging men.

    I appreciate your efforts but reality dictates.

    Drug crazed psychopaths are scary and unpredictable. Likely I would have shot him too, but if it came down to hand to hand combat you would have lost badly. I might also have lost. But physical strength and body strength makes it a fair fight.

    Honestly I mean absolutely no disrespect in above comments. None whatsoever.

  31. @PHenry – Bravo!

    Pretending that there are no differences between the sexes when there clearly are differences is just as stupid as pretending there are differences when there aren’t. The pendulum has swung from one stupid extreme to the other. How the heck to we stop the swinging, and acknowledge that there simply are some things that women are better at than men, and other things thar men are better at?

  32. It’s just the truth. I wouldn’t want to be in her situation any more than she wanted to be.

    But she should not have been there in the first place

    Clarification: I’m no bad ass. Danger is danger.
    Nobody wants it. But I would be a bad ass if my wife, mom or sisters were in danger. Fortunately that’s stuff we think about and never have to act on.

  33. @BFH:

    A record doesn’t mean the shoot is clean. But, this guy doesn’t do well with authority, does he?

    Seat belt? Open container? Crap charges.
    The authorities don’t make themselves look very respectable here, either.

  34. @ Uncle Al

    If we can’t trust the courts, then all hope is lost. Youtube commenters passing judgment based on a 30 second video is nothing more than MOB rule. Why not let them beat the cops to death based on your opinion that the cops are guilty?

    Remember Michael Brown? Based on “witnesses”, Officer Darren Wilson was GUILTY! So……execute him right? Court of public opinion had passed judgment. And youtube is more reliable than the courts, according to you.

    Courts are flawed, no doubt. Police officers have flaws, no doubt. It’s not a perfect system. But if we resort to MOB rule to determine guilt. I want no part of the anarchy you endorse.

    I normally love your comments here. but that one was not up to your usual standards…….

  35. Glad I’m not LEO, things change in an instant.
    I have seen one of the LAPD videos about dealing with crazy/PCP folks.
    The video was complete with flying cops.
    Flying because someone on PCP threw them.
    A car door was yanked off.
    I will not judge this officer, I have not the skill set to judge.
    But I wish:
    If she was wrong, that she may address her debt to this man.
    If she was right, then she may move on from this

  36. They knew about his record when they rolled up and ran his plates. The assault on officer charges would probably put any officer in the ready-to-kill position. Even if it’s dismissed, that charge always stays on the record.

    And the mugshot — this guy looks like he’s had a full lobotomy. 244 pounds of that could be dangerous.

    PCP is the reason LAPD developed the choke hold. Zombies.

  37. If I were in the military or an LEO I would not want to be depending on a woman to back me up in a do or die situation. Or a firefighter for that matter. The original four or five in that video where scared shitless from the get go. The law pretty much days eminent threat, elevated sence of fear. Well they were all certainly scared. This comes from piss poor training. Sac County Sherrifs need to shoot 3 mags every three months at 31 feet static to qualify. I’m sure that’s probably pretty normal. And to repeat what others have said here that vehicle was a weapon. He was asked to stop several times as he was walking away. Funny thing is if they would have plugged him then they would be a little bit more legit.
    We ask to much from our LEO. Put yourself in this position. Fuck Black Lives Mattet.

  38. this is the first i’ve heard of this. The video doesnt show him doing anything dangerous.

    In the 2nd vid, why does it take them 2 minutes to approach the victim and check his condition?

  39. I am a female person, but I will tell you I think all these girl cops are a bad idea. It’s just bad psychology, and bad physics.
    I even was a volunteer firefighter at one time, and now I don’t think that was the best idea either, though I mostly did medical calls.

  40. Looks like the woman cop fucked up and discharge her firearm when she shouldn’t have. Probably walking with her finger on the trigger, and it’s a Glock, which is fairly hair triggered to begin with.

  41. Read a statistic a while back that woman LEOs are more prone to shoot first and ask questions later. Not excusing the perpetrator who was doing a lot of stupid things, but this situation is a mess.
    She may have been the lead officer and encouraged by the male cops to “handle her business”, but it’s clear she would have been overpowered by the guy if she attempted to physically detained him. The male officers should have been more intimidating and aggressive.
    Although nothing gets through to a PCP addict. In that case, the options for a better outcome would be few and the shooting was probably justified.

  42. There was one time I was glad female cops were at the scene. 23 and riding in the back seat of a future BiL’s Bronco. My wife next to me and her sister up front in the passenger seat.

    We were stopped at a local lake and before you know it there were two Park Police squads with male-female partners there.

    The female officers did the pat downs and the one that did me and my BiL lifted us off the ground when grabbing our crotches from behind. We smiled. The officer smiled. Our women on the other side of the vehicle getting their pat downs were not happy with what they saw.

    The rest of the day we had smiles we couldn’t get off our faces. The girls? Not so much.

  43. @ Uncle Al

    You are a regular here. A fixture. Why are you responding to me like you’re JohnS? You focus on the last part of my comment and ignore the meat of what I said. Why?

    I gave a response to your comment. And you ignore that response.

    The point is…..if you’re involved in an incident where you, heaven forbid, have to defend yourself or a loved one with deadly force….which would want….

    – be judged by a jury of your peers based on evidence presented in court where you have to be proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt….?

    – be judged by internet commenters and a mob of people who make a snap judgment based on video clips and feelings about your guilt or innocence……?


  44. So is HuffPo going to condemn this female cop? Ha ha. They’ve pedestalized blacks, females, gays and muzzies to such a ridiculous extent that the inevitable ‘Victim Wars’ are going to be fun to watch. I’ll be watching poolside. White boys fade out of the way for the shitshow, grab a seat poolside and get ready to laugh. That’s my advice. Don’t get shamed into paying for it all.

  45. @muddjuice – Responding like I’m JohnS? HAHAHAAAHAAAHAHAHAHA!

    I made the short reply to your last two sentences because the first part of your comment seemed to me to be taking exception to what you think I wrote, or what you think I think, rather than my actual words. Generally, it isn’t a good idea to do that, but there are times when it is worth doing. Now looks to be one of those times.

    If we can’t trust the courts, then all hope is lost. Youtube commenters passing judgment based on a 30 second video is nothing more than MOB rule. Why not let them beat the cops to death based on your opinion that the cops are guilty?

    It is human nature for us to come to conclusions when all we have is incomplete information. That goes not just for YouTube commentors but also for cops. Are you consciously suggesting that we let cops beat suspected law-breakers to death based on the cops’ opinion that the person is guilty? I say “consciously” because you are making that suggestion and I hope it is not deliberate.

    Remember Michael Brown? Based on “witnesses”, Officer Darren Wilson was GUILTY! So……execute him right? Court of public opinion had passed judgment. And youtube is more reliable than the courts, according to you.

    Now that makes me a bit angry. I never said, nor implied, that YouTube is more reliable than the courts. This is mostly why I responded the way I did complaining that you were reacting to yourself and not to my words.

    I hold that the more information available to more people the more likely it is that we’ll have a satisfactory outcome for a complex situation. That includes the court system, but it also includes YouTube and the like. I would like to see everybody have more information.

    Courts are flawed, no doubt. Police officers have flaws, no doubt. It’s not a perfect system. But if we resort to MOB rule to determine guilt. I want no part of the anarchy you endorse.

    Are you assuming that because I declare myself an anarchist that I do not want any societal mechanisms or institutions to help establish a peaceful and orderly neighborhood? If so, you are mistaken. I am against universal, one-size-fits-all, set of arbitrary behavior controls forcibly imposed by a govt. That leaves a lot of room for individuals to come up with voluntary methods (a topic worthy of the large number of books, essays, and commentary that already exists in this area but far too big to get into in an iOTWreports comment).

    I normally love your comments here. but that one was not up to your usual standards…….

    To repeat, you are reacting to comments I have not made anywhere, and especially not above.

  46. “Are you assuming that because I declare myself an anarchist that I do not want any societal mechanisms or institutions to help establish a peaceful and orderly neighborhood?”

    Yes. We were established as a nation of laws, based on judeo-Christian ethics. That is America. Anarchy goes against everything the founders established. Anarchy does not want anyone to impose values or ethics on anyone else. That’s not a nation of laws. That’s not America.


    Your answer is disingenuous. You can’t make broad statements and then not expect people to hear what you’re saying.

    I know you’re not an idiot. Your comments here are always succinct and well thought out. I just happen to disagree with you on this.

  47. To be clear on this…..I’m not against videos being released for public review and oversight….but not until a fair trial (as guaranteed by the Constitution) is given to the accused. You cannot get a fair trial if your fate is determined by an angry mob first.

    To believe that all police and all courts are in cahoots in order to “get you” is simplistic and unfounded. No one hates bad cops more than good cops.

    But your own comments betray the fact that you dislike the police and the courts, maybe for very personal and good reasons.

    I won’t say the you don’t have a good reason to distrust police and courts where you live. But to apply a broad brush to ALL police and courts seems nearsighted and foolish.

    Not all cops are communist pigs trying to kill everyone for traffic violations. In fact, the percentage is very small, as BFH has posted stories about this many times.

    So, why am I the bad guy to you and deserving of contempt because I believe in allowing everyone their Constitutionally protected right to a fair trial, not a witch hunt with a burning at the stake?

  48. From the video I’d have to say the cop who shot made a bad decision and is going to pay for it. There might be other things in play however if the guy was downed by taser and was for all intents and purposes helpless and the cop pulled the trigger through panic, misjudgment, poor training whatever then it’s at least a manslaughter charge. Sure, they guy was disobeying the cops and walking away from them but he was clearly unarmed and that’s not enough for a bullet.

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