What do you trust more than Biden? – IOTW Report

What do you trust more than Biden?

Bubba sent a video where this question was posed. One dude had a huge list, among the answers were –

Pilots named Muhammed

Prostate exam from Captain Hook

Styrofoam gas can

A suspiciously large wooden horse

Breast milk from Bruce Jenner

Carpooling with JFK

What do you guys have?

161 Comments on What do you trust more than Biden?

  1. – The family dog looking at the freshly grilled steaks on the table with no one around.
    – An oxycontin addict on a self-guided tour of purdue pharma.
    – A fox around a chicken coop

  2. An old Alfred E Newman for President poster, WHAT ME WORRY! on the rear windows of my 55 Chevy station wagon. I actually did this in HS 50 + years ago in the early 70’s. This was back when most people still had a sense of humor, not now. In God we trust, not joey the faux idiot presidunce.

  3. @LBS

    Gabby was a whack Job nut bag BUT DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE.
    Landrie was a Soyish Asshole that most likely killed her.

    Both are perfect examples of what is wrong with modern culture.
    At 23 years of age I was a full time HVAC Tech with 5 years apprenticeship completed.
    I was not “Finding Myself” in a vehicle payed by may parents being driven by my “partner”

    Only an IDIOT pays for a “Bang Bus” so his daughter can get plowed by a fucking pencil neck mental case as they explore the wonders of “Merica”

    GET A FUCKING JOB KIDS! Time to eat ChYnA’S Fuckin Lunch!

  4. The guy with the funny accent who rings your doorbell and says he can give you a great deal on re-paving your driveway because he has some extra asphalt left over from another job that will spoil and go to waste if it isn’t used RIGHT NOW.

  5. Anything Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas tells a Republican member of Congress after working 16 hours a day moving Haitians around the country and pretending they are all going back to their Shithole.

  6. Anything the Duke and Duchess of Sussex tells us to do about anything.

    Any Federal Court decision handed down by an Osmidgen or Obiden appointed Judge.

    Oprah’s hair and her relationship with what’s his name.

    Bruce Springsteen’s cowboy hat.


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