What does CBS news do with a strong, attractive, independent, Republican black lady? – IOTW Report

What does CBS news do with a strong, attractive, independent, Republican black lady?

What’s a left-wing hack to do when confronted by these independent thinking, deep thinking, right-wing ladies?

They sit around and look bewildered.

This interview perplexed these morons.


13 Comments on What does CBS news do with a strong, attractive, independent, Republican black lady?

  1. Don’t assume the leftist media, “accidently” aired this interview. They want these brave conservative women targeted as traitors to their race. Sure, leftists are shocked socialist propoganda had no effect on these ladies, but that doesn’t stop the left from atacking and retaliating against conservatives.

  2. What do they do? They do what they did to Mia Love, the first Black Republican Woman elected to Congress, in lily-white Utah. Her name has not been spoken by them since.

  3. CBS probably had to air it, before those interviewed released it themselves from their recording of the same interview.

    Increasingly that is what conservatives and people who don’t trust the media always do when being interviewed by the MSM.

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