What Does Jimmy Kimmel Say Now About His Staged Event Showcasing Hillary’s Great Health? – IOTW Report

What Does Jimmy Kimmel Say Now About His Staged Event Showcasing Hillary’s Great Health?

“I don’t know why they are saying I’m in bad health!” – Hillary Clinton on Jimmy Kimmel Show

22 Comments on What Does Jimmy Kimmel Say Now About His Staged Event Showcasing Hillary’s Great Health?

  1. There are die-hard Dhimos (pun intended) who will vote for Shrillary post-mortem. Just prop up her decomposing remains and gayly forward. “Nothing to see here, oooh look over there- a pink unicorn with Tinkerbell dust sparkles farting out”

  2. I keep up with the local patch. If you’re not familiar it’s like a community bulletin board, it is national so there’s one for every community.

    Anyway the patch has an article about Hellery and her latest health problem. There were many comments berating the evil witch and poking fun of her delusional life. Then there are some whining liberals crying about the callous Trump supporters. They want patch to “do something” because it’s not fair that people are belittling Hellery in the comments section.

  3. The staff on Dr. Kimmel-Robinson’s show was probably so shocked by Hillary’s decrepitude that they were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements regarding anything they witnessed backstage.

  4. I’m getting caught up on the news of the day and-wow. Hillary looked awful today before her collapse. Her hair is in really sad shape and she had shed a lot of it. She is missing iron or is on meds that may cause hair loss. Her hair is really thinning on top and had no bounce or body at all.

    How awful it must be for her to have to rely on the help from her Secret Service detail who she has told in the past to, ” Eff off!” And not look at her directly. Now they have to watch her like a hawk so she doesn’t fall on her face.

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