What Does She Look Like She’d Steal By Stuffing It In Her Shorts? – IOTW Report

What Does She Look Like She’d Steal By Stuffing It In Her Shorts?


  1. Clams
  2. Hair Dye
  3. Preparation H
  4. Lice Killer
  5. Live Bait
  6. A Scale
  7. Beef Jerky
  8. Brides Magazines
  9. Pistachios
  10. All of the Above


16 Comments on What Does She Look Like She’d Steal By Stuffing It In Her Shorts?

  1. My first thought was live bait, but that’s probably because I was buying some crickets at a local bait shop a number of years ago, and a cricket jumped and landed right in the cleavage of the fat, disgusting woman running the bait shop. She put her hands on her boobs and mashed the cricket between them then asked, “is this one okay, or do you want a fresh one?” I opted for the fresh one, and I no longer buy bait there.

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