What Does the Buffalo Bills Have to do With Timothy McVeigh? – IOTW Report

What Does the Buffalo Bills Have to do With Timothy McVeigh?

According to some writer, the Bills having a run of 4 near misses in the Super Bowl contributed to Timothy McVeigh’s mindset and sent him on a course that would eventually see him blow up a building in Oklahoma City.

Sounds farfetched.


To this day, even well-adjusted Buffalonians walk around imagining alternate lives in which their team actually won four Super Bowls in a row, becoming arguably the greatest team in NFL history, putting the city on the map in a way it otherwise never could have dreamed of.

Or at least won one Super Bowl, securing a happy little foothold in history. Instead, that 1990s Bills team is remembered as a tragic joke. It’s easy to pretend that sports doesn’t matter in real life, but for many millions of people, it does. It matters profoundly, every day.

After Super Bowl XXVII, Timothy McVeigh went looking for somewhere else to be, something else to do—something bigger, more meaningful, more real. Reality had failed him, in so many ways, so he went off to pursue his own fantasy of justice, very far from Buffalo.


15 Comments on What Does the Buffalo Bills Have to do With Timothy McVeigh?

  1. As a lifelong Vikings Fan…I can see it

    Except Minnesotan’s chose to implode through the Vote over a longer

    span..To keep the suffering fresh

    Rather than explode and get it over with…

  2. I had lunch with Fay McTim last week. One of the most grateful and pleasant people I have ever met. Laughed so hard about how the entire Media was duped, and duped the county! Yea, a U-Hurl can blow just half the front off a federal building! Fay wishes you all well, as he is. Just asks you vote smarter,

  3. I thought Timothy McVeigh was in record short time quickly sentenced to death before he could talk and reveal details about what really happened in OKC, then found guilty by a court to make it legal, then executed.

  4. Ruby Ridge happened under the Bush 41 Administration in 1992 & the DOJ, after investigating the incident, widely criticized the handling of the incident by the FBI

    Waco happened the following year, under Clinton … a staged operation by BATF, who allowed CBS News an exclusive to come along & film the raid so CBS wouldn’t air an expose’ they had on the BATF


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