What Does the Harvard Law School Alumnus Letter Signal To Law Students? – IOTW Report

What Does the Harvard Law School Alumnus Letter Signal To Law Students?

Daily Wire-

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was slated to teach a course on the Supreme Court at Harvard next spring, but he’s declined after a concerted effort on the part of alumni and current students to have his invitation rescinded.

The New York Post reports that “hundreds of alumni” penned a letter, joining a chorus of student detractors, begging Harvard’s administration to cancel what appears to be an annual lecture conducted by the current DC Circuit judge.

“We believe that Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment as an HLS lecturer sends a message to law students, and in particular female students, that powerful men are above the law, and that obstructive, inappropriate behavior will be rewarded,” says the published letter from alumni.


So, What Does the Harvard Law School Alumnus Letter Signal To Law Students?

That the school churns out morons that don’t know their ass from their elbow. Kavanaugh is innocent, until proven guilty, and one has proven anything about this man with the decades-long record of exemplary jurisprudence.

The latest tack by the lunatic left is that Kavanaugh is too partisan to be a Supreme Court Justice. You have to be a hyper-partisan hack to have signed that letter (the only other explanation being you’re simply stupid), and every one of the signers is unfit to be a judge according to the standard the left has laid.


10 Comments on What Does the Harvard Law School Alumnus Letter Signal To Law Students?

  1. ps: Harvard Law School has now officially dropped any discussion of due process from its curriculum. In fact, we’re really not even a law school anymore.

  2. It bears mentioning again that not just these Harvard idiots but all the people out there that buy her story also are potential jurists sitting at trials these days.
    A frightening thought.

  3. “We believe that Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment as an HLS lecturer sends a message to law students, and in particular female students, that powerful men are above the law…”

    I thought the Clintons had already sent that message. Loud and clear.


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