What does the left call this? Inartful? – IOTW Report

What does the left call this? Inartful?


Official Resigns After Blaming Flint Water Crisis On ‘N****rs Who Don’t Pay Their Bills’.

Detroit was charging all its customers for the cost; they weren’t collecting from their residents. They weren’t shutting the water off, they were letting bills go forever, but they were charging everybody else, they covered them.

Well, Flint has the same problems as Detroit, fucking niggers don’t pay their bills, believe me, I deal with them. I don’t want to call them niggers, shit, I have, shit, I just went to Myrtle Beach, 24 guys, and I was the only white guy. I got friends, I mean, there’s trash and there’s people that do this. … They just don’t pay their bills. Well, Detroit didn’t collect on their bills, so they charged everybody else, but Flint, Flint had to pay their bill to Detroit.

Slurs aside, can we discuss if what he’s saying is accurate, or is that verboten too?

15 Comments on What does the left call this? Inartful?

  1. The left eating the left.

    MissShitcan has left the building as anything other
    than a viable self sustaining state. They now depend upon
    welfare fraud, federal muzzie payments, and other scams
    to survive.

    Next behind calipornia and illanoid for bankruptcy.

  2. Clean drinking water is not “a human right” and someone has to pay for the collection, treatment, and distribution facilities, staff, labs, on and on. I expect that the rates provided the first ‘n’ gallons at some very low cost. The utility cannot function if they can’t collect fees from the customers. I wasn’t there but I am not pinning this one on “the government.”

  3. The Detroit Water and Sewage Department has a long history of handing out more pay checks than it has employees. The corruptocrats have been dipping their fingers in that till for a long time.
    It’s a “content of character” issue.

  4. I’m sorry. I can’t get to the content of what he is saying. I can’t get past this guy talking to to a younger female and constantly using the “f” word and other foul language. He is a degenerate of a different kind just as he describes those who keep moving into the South Side.

  5. When you have a preponderance of so-called citizens who are users, abusers and losers and government coddles, enables and ignores when they don’t pay for services, the corrupt progressive/socialist view point is to have everyone else pay for it.
    Free housing, free substandard education, free medical, free transportation, free food, free social programs, free water have become inalienable rights for this class of parasites.

    Sooner or later the host must rid itself of parasites or die.

  6. The Left (Dem/Progs etc) will kill you, destroy your family and take everything you have. They will use niggers to do it. They will use Musloids to do it. They will use open borders to do it. They will use the intelligence apparatus to do it. They will use White Guilt to do it. They will use the education system from preK to PhD to do it. They will use every form of media to do it. They will definitely use the legal shitstem to do it. They will use the welfare system to do it. They will use Congress to do it. They will use local governments to do it.

    And when it is finished, they will execute their white, useful idiots like Phil Stair.

  7. They don’t pay bills because they are appeased. They are treated like rulers (because we sacrificed our right of freedom of association) – beyond criticism, when the fact is they are the biggest racist aholes in the world.

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