Shapiro is still #NeverTrumpin’, even while Trump is doing his best to be a conservative’s dream. It makes little sense.
There’s a number of these schmucks out there, sticking to their guns that Trump is a “secret liberal,” or somehow an embarrassment to conservatives even though they maintain he’s not a conservative. (That still cracks me up.)
As Trump fulfills more and more of the conservative checklist, these poor souls get more and more angry.
“How dare Trump make me look like a clueless fool for declaring he was a liberal, indistinguishable from Hillary, who couldn’t possibly win! I’m a-gonna keep diggin’!”
As Gateway readers point out, this article by Ben for Townhall is not aging well. The Magic of Donald Trump.
Here’s Ben trashing Trump and Bannon on Fox News-
ht/ Jerry Manderin
Ben has a until now undiagnosed mental disorder. Damn, it is fun playing doctor.
“What does Trump have to do to satisfy Ben Shapiro and his #NeverTrump gang?”
He can’t. Their thought process is the same as a Liberals. They lack the ability to reason.
I have to agree with this line from paragraph 2 of that 2011 article:
Mitt Romney has about as much charm as a Ziploc bag, and his support for Romneycare in Massachusetts should immediately put him out of the running.
I was saying that all through the primaries, it almost seemed engineered that GOP would nominate the only candidate who could possibly lose in 2012 to the failure of 0bamacare – the person who presided over its precursor.
What a nasty little weasel he is.
“How dare Trump make me look like a clueless fool for declaring he was a liberal, indistinguishable from Hillary, who couldn’t possibly win! I’m a-gonna keep diggin’!”
That’s your answer, right there, Cap’n.
Best as I can figure, Benjamin’s ego is so calcified at this point it would take a pneumatic oyster knife to crack it open. He is so married to the idea that he is the child savant that to admit to the error of predictions and thinking, there would be irreparable harm done to the delicate psyche encased by that concrete shell of protection. Not really a laughing matter to know just how on the edge he probably is.
Stick with your original, preconceived formulations regardless of how much evidence to the contrary presents itself.
At some level, he doesn’t seem this stupid.
He must have someone bankrolling his NeverTrump viewpoint.
He’s probably not stupid – he’s a dishonest hack.
Is that really his voice? Mickey Mouse has a better voice. Ben is a munchkin with a Napoleon complex.
Classic Jewish Butthurt….. see it all the time
He should arrest them and put them in Gitmo.
He’s a piss ant.
Does he look like Bob Dole to anyone else in that still shot?
“What does Trump have to do to satisfy Ben Shapiro?”
Obviously, put him on his payroll.
But other than that, he’s cannon fodder.
Let him be a distraction…works for us.
Ben is to the conservative movement, as Hillary is to progressive democrats.
Butthurt, determined to remain relevant regardless of how wrong they got it, and refusing to go away.
The idiot need to sit down on keep quite. He need to keep is eyes open because the Muslim in New York claim that every Jew person will be dead in New York and in other states
Perhaps do something about the multi trillion dollar deficit before we have to hyperinfate the currency?
“Mitt Romney has about as much charm as a Ziploc bag, and his support for Romneycare in Massachusetts should immediately put him out of the running”
LCD, that won’t stop Ben from being one of Romney’s loudest cheerleaders if Romney ever runs for Senate in Utah.
It all started with Michelle Fields…
Is he breathing helium? Sounds like it…
A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
Just watched that clip. Was I watching the same one as everybody else?
He wasn’t dogging on Trump that much and his dig at Bannon was just that he wants to be a bigger player than he is. Is there someone in Washington who doesn’t?
Tweets can be divisive. I get it. Millenials are th-ensitive.
It’s a feature, not a bug. Trump can be having the shittiest week ever and pop off a tweet at CNN and it changes the whole subject.
Twitter is Br’er Trump’s tar baby. The more the media fling themselves against it, the more they get inextricably stuck.
Shapiro isn’t that young any more. He’s 33. It would help if his voice finally changed, took a job working on a ranch for a summer, and dropped the Alex P. Keaton shtick. He’s a great debater but it’s mitigated by his appearance as a nasally voiced, pedantic, pencilnecked twerp.
I would have qualified as a NeverTrumper during the primary. Then it changed into a NotYetTrumper. Then I evolved into a Trump voter when he had Pence do what was necessary to shore up stray dogs like myself.
You shore up the people who can be shored up because this fight is just getting started. The House had 58 morons already vote for impeachment last week. I’d be on a charm offensive just like you saw with Trump playing golf with Rand Paul in advance of the tax vote. White House overnights and invites to join the conversation.
What’s that picture supposed to be of – a covetous Jew or something? Come on.
Let’s pray that Midget Ben is tomorrow’s Frank Luntz. Oy gewalt!
TO Bob
Please STOP linking to OFF TOPIC stuff, or go away.
The thing to do with Ben sharper the you, pull the handle marked flush several times, and the problem has gone away. Use disinfectant liberally! Bye-Bye Ben!
Ben is hot on the heels of Glenn Beck challenging to take the lead to the finish at No Longer Relevent Park.
Maybe he’s been hanging out with that Chelsea Handler chick, GP has a video of up making fun of Sarah Sanders that she tweeted.
Not to fat shame, but if you’re going to make fun of someone, you shouldn’t be fat and ugly and look like a man.
I’ve never claimed to be a feminist and even if I had that chick says it’s fine to shame women if they’re “evil.” Lots of evil women on the left to make fun of, but I will just make fun of the one who did the video. She would still look like a man even if with a truck load of makeup on and they don’t sell any clothes to make her look slim.
“What’s that picture supposed to be of – a covetous Jew or something? Come on.”
A covetous Jew? Wha? No, it’s from a caricature someone made of him. I saw it on facebook and it came with some satire about Ben Shapiro ranting about Trump and how he’s gonna finally nab him and you’ll all see!!!
Calm down.
So what’s Shapiro’s end game.
Must all conservatives pass Ben’s litmus test or what?
Shapiro is more divisive than any of President Trumps tweets.
Ryan and McCONnell are more divisive and damaging to conservative principles than President Trump.
Ben, take a look at who our enemies are and reevaluate you attacks.
If you are not willing to be part of the solution, you are the problem.
You act pretty dumb for a haarvud smart guy.
Ben, you aren’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, get over
yourself and be part of the solution. Or are you just there to make money and be a media tool?
What’s that picture supposed to be of – a covetous Jew or something? Come on.>>>
Covetous Jew????
I’m going to excuse this because you’ve been around a long time and I appreciate that.
But being around here a long time you should know how much time I donate to pro-Israel causes- many sleepless nights meeting the deadline.
The pic to me looks like a worm, a scheming worm, and being Jewish has nothing to do with it.
You’re talking to someone who went to a Jewish day camp, whose surrogate grandparents were prominent Jews in our city, and whose nanny is still a Zionist activist,
and whose close friend is someone I’d run into battle with, right up to the gates of hell – Pamela Geller.
This may sound like I’m being overly defensive, but it’s not.
I write it because that remark is so far afield I can’t even take offense to it.
He still has a butthurt for Bannon. And so of course Trump must pay. Pfft.
Tried listening to his podcasts, but have given up. Too much of a Trump-hater to stomach.
@Kat Agreed. Ben followed Michelle Fields over the cliff and doesn’t have enough rope to climb back up. So, he’s stuck in NeverTrumperLand. Too proud to admit he made a mistake.
MJ/BFH: I don’t doubt any of that. It’s a caricature, obviously.
A caricature of him hunched over, rubbing his palms together and wearing a yarmulke. His brand of NeverTrumpism is singularly annoying in its own way because of the Fields/Lewandowski thing.
It just struck me as a being at or below the belt for friendly fire. Not trying to high road anybody here.
Chris Wallace just announced him as the replacement for Rush. Chris, when did you get that head wound. Fuck Me I hate this little helium filled piece of shit. Little Helium Boy has earned whats coming his way.
I think National Review hired him. I’m not sure, I haven’t been reading NR for some time now, ever since they dumped on Candidate, now President, Trump. Besides Ben talks too fast for me.
Dolt, you may be on to something. All the Trump haters are pissed they didn’t get ‘hired’ for some patronage job.
Ben doesn’t understand that Michelle Fields will never fuck him.
President Trump is more a Conservative than Ben Shapiro will ever be!
I didn’t see it the way you are seeing it.
I see it as a picture along the lines of a Mr. Burns, a wormy schemer.
Shapiro is Jewish, we know that, but that doesn’t preclude him from being made fun of. Is being Jewish a built-in shield?
For the record, I don’t question Shapiro’s conservative bona fides.
I think he had an opinion about “binary choice” that was filled with pretzel logic and
didn’t address the choice one was presented with; Trump Versus Hillary.
It WAS a binary choice. No one else was going to win. Pragmatic people new the simple math – either Trump wins or we get Hillary.
I didn’t need any lectures about the future and 3 level chess.
It was idiotic.
President Trump is more a Conservative than Ben Shapiro will ever be!
Trump is doing it. Shapiro only yaps about it.
I stand by my statement.
Mr. Pinko,
Xactly. And all the sweaty thumb noise is all bull shit,
I didn’t have time to get back on this one yesterday but a couple of clicks this morning filled in the origin of that image:
To begin, the Happy Merchant meme that it deploys:
Shapiro used a variation of it in a March 2016 column on blowback from his NeverTrumpism and in a Twitter post from that time frame as well.
That particular image is also used on the “pro-white” site rightpedia:
And from that time frame:
Maybe they’re just big Simpsons fans.