What DOESN’T Violate Facebook’s Standards? – IOTW Report

What DOESN’T Violate Facebook’s Standards?

Reader Joe was the one who lodged the complaint.unnamed-4

Click more to see what Facebook is cool with. Joe says he’s dropping Facebook. Keep in mind, Facebook routinely puts accounts into the gulag for all sorts of imagery they deem offensive.unnamed-3

38 Comments on What DOESN’T Violate Facebook’s Standards?

  1. No, use it, use it and push back! Turning the other cheek to social media is pure ignorance. You just have to learn how to be smarter than the liberals, and that aint hard. Hiding from it only serves their purpose. Just look at twitter….conservatives rule that site! Don’t believe me? Follow Twitchy!

  2. No, use it, use it and push back! Turning the other cheek to social media is pure ignorance. You just have to learn how to be smarter than the liberals, and that aint hard. Hiding from it only serves their purpose. Just look at twitter….conservatives rule that site! Don’t believe me? Follow Twitchy!

  3. As Andrew Breitbart said, we have to not only get used to confrontation, but like it. I have decided to start pushing back on social media. Smart, sourced, humurous and right, but it may still cost me some friends and family. Maybe even my job. But it may be getting time to go Galt anyway.

  4. I have no progressive friends (that I know of.)

    I can’t tell people what to do with their own lives, but I have no idea how you can be friends with a progressive.

    Friendship is based on shared values. I can’t have a good time with someone that is actively working to undermine everything I stand for.

  5. And let me say, I am not offended by the satan/Jesus pic (I am a bit disturbed that spell check wanted to capitalize “satan” though) , I expect my enemies to try to make me mad. I giggle in their general direction! Do they really think that if they draw Jesus I’m gonna give a shit? No, I don’t! Draw away! My God’s Son can take care of himself. He doesn’t need an inbred camel jockey goat fucker to defend his honor. I also like it because when people draw pics like this, we know who not to piss on when they catch fire. Keep drawing fellars, I own an automatic washing machine and a matching dryer to clean out those piss stains!

  6. I say it is important to take them over as they start. “They” may be better at controlling the media, but “they” can’t control the message on social media. We are smarter and have a better message, so use the platforms available to spread that message or surrender. I’m not quite ready to surrender.

  7. Rather than have to play in the Left’s sandbox, I’d rather have my own. There was a news report about Brazil or some other Latin American country starting their own version of FB where sex, violence and bad language were verboten. They got 100K + sign-ups the first day.

    Haven’t we heard of conservative alternatives to FB? If I knew my account wasn’t going to be data mined and constantly scrutinized, I’d opt for the conservative outlet in a flash.

  8. That sounds nice, but my point is to infiltrate their networks with our message. Any open social network will be taken over by some group, it might as well be us. Remember, if it were up to social media, Doctor Ron Paul would be president for life and chemtrails would be banned…is that what we want?

  9. I thought Facebook was creepy and stopped using it a number of years ago. I didn’t like my personal information being tracked and sold, thus making money for the leftists running the company. I’m temped to reactivate my account just to screw with progs. I may when I have more time.

  10. Yes BFH, but what about your children who are turned progressive? I couldn’t stop the crap that comes at them from everywhere, and now … well, heartbreak happens. How to fix that, please someone help me with that. I’ve tried all that I know. Friends I can shrug off, but my own children – this is horrible.

  11. There is enough common ground to keep my most lefty friend. He really does intend well, but he’s like a 5 year old attempting deep thought – never goes beyond the first thought to contemplate the consequences of implementing it.

    He has witnessed 32 years of my life and raising my sons. He can not deny I do not fit his negative knee-jerk descriptions of what a conservative is. The bare truth refutes his BS. “So, what have you witnessed about my life that has you say I’m selfish, greedy, racist, etc. etc.?” It stops him cold. He knows better.

    I also can’t expose his ridiculous propaganda if I’m not around to laugh, point, and counter his BS. Like shooting fish in a barrel when it happens.

    Only with an audience around, though. Useless otherwise. You’d think he’d learn not to try his shit after so many years, but he is truly a committed left-tard. Emphasis on the `tard.

  12. Sean, I mostly agree with what you posted above about using social media to our advantage. However, I DO find the above image offensive, and I think we SHOULD push back. Ignoring it kind of negates your point about not surrendering, doesn’t it?

  13. “We allow you to speak freely on matters and people of public interest..” is a moving target.

    The request for ID while having a non-standard name was the final nail in that coffin for me as well.

    There are ways to work around them. Don’t give them any PID. Don’t use their apps. Don’t provide a phone number. Don’t give a JIC contact in case of death. Do make your voice heard. Drop bomblets on the pages of NPR & other drone colonies. Have some fun. Following up with perfectly reasonable replies to the predictable frothing comments is something other readers need to see.

  14. On my yearly Christmas visit to the “other side” of the family, I got into a heated discussion w/ my liberal BIL about the current administration. This quickly turned acrimonious, with lots of name calling etc. from him. (Totally not my fault you know, ’cause I am so mellow and reasonable…)Ruined the evening for all of us.
    After that we did not speak for over a year.
    This is an intelligent guy, who frankly should know better. Sadly, he has been infecting his family with his fouled-up viewpoints for years. Much damage has been done, and it will be very difficult to rectify.

    Recently he visited, and acknowledged he “may have been” wrong in his support for barry.

    So maybe the tide is turning?
    Let us hope so.

  15. I still won’t do fb, twatter, lunkedin etc. etc. I find it unnecessary to give my 2 cents on every topic, especially as I see it can come back to bite posters.

    Lately I have noticed comments at yarhoonews seem to be supporting conservative viewpoints more frequently.

    This is by no means a scientific/statistical analysis.
    BTW- What ever was the fallout on the recent Net Neutrality hoo-ha?
    Anybody noticed anything?

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