What Happens If (God Forbid) a Presidential Candidate Dies Before the Election? – IOTW Report

What Happens If (God Forbid) a Presidential Candidate Dies Before the Election?


The answer depends on when…

…If the candidate dies or is incapacitated between New Year’s Day and mid-June 2024 some states might postpone their primaries and/or their filing deadlines (as they did in 2020 because of COVID-19) in order to give more time for newer candidates to get into the race. In states where that doesn’t happen, primary voters could vote for “uncommitted” but not all states include an “uncommitted” line on their ballots. Other voters could opt to write in candidates who are too late to get their names on the ballots. Some early long shot candidates who are already on the ballot might try and cut deals with more prominent candidates — i.e., a vote for Marianne Williamson is really a vote for Gov. Gavin Newsom — but that’s a tough message to convey.

If the candidate dies or is incapacitated between mid-June 2024 when the primaries are over and before the Wednesday night of the nominating convention (the traditional time for the roll call vote) the convention would become what conventions used to be before reforms made the primaries dominant (minus the smoke-filled rooms.) More

14 Comments on What Happens If (God Forbid) a Presidential Candidate Dies Before the Election?

  1. If it’s because the fibbies dress someone in a MAGA hat and have them bump Shitpants, then we get Marital Law, gun confiscation, and President Hillary.

    Because Kamal will appoint her veep, then retire to an SC seat, if she knows what’s good for her.

    And they never catch the guy who removes Pedo. Go figure

  2. The New York Times has called Brookings liberal, liberal-centrist, and centrist. The Washington Post has called Brookings centrist, liberal, and center-left.

    JDHasty interprets that as off the charts leftists. Not that I needed to consult the self appointed arbitrators of what is true, Brookins has a documented record of being left wing kooks.

  3. “A judge ordered the FBI to return Mike Lindell’s phone which was illegally seized, and the FBI refused to comply.

    But you still think you’re voting the Biden regime out in November.”
    Emerald Robinson.

    My current frame of mind summed up perfectly..

  4. The shadow government really running our country has plans for us. And they’re starting to telegraph them. There’s a reason that Chicomm shill McConnell “semi-retired” right after his sister in law was murdered.


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