What Happens Next? – IOTW Report

What Happens Next?

You’re sitting around, having a meeting, and this happens.

It’s probably the last thing you’d expect.

Now that you’ve seen that one, you might be ready for this one. This one is brutal. How this guy survives is beyond belief.

This tire went after the guy like he got his sister pregnant.


26 Comments on What Happens Next?

  1. Those “wheel off” incidents aren’t as rare as you would think. I’ve had a wheel roll right past me at highway speed before, it happens so quick you don’t have time to react. Fortunately that wheel didn’t hit anything except the ditch.

  2. That’s a miracle. I thought that guy was dead meat when the tire slammed him into the concrete. God must have some plans for him other then being a concrete tester.

  3. It’s completely the fault of the guy in the gray jacket that got hit in the head.

    His karma was due.

    Everyone else was lucky they weren’t on a plane with him.


  4. In my college days, I refilled soft drink vending machines to earn some cash. The owner loaded our vans down way beyond legal limits. Once, I blew a tire by turning too sharply and scraping the sidewall into a crumbled section of curb. The tire failure was spectacular. There was a loud bang. The van lurched up then fell back to the passenger side, listing to starboard. I looked out the passenger window and saw the right rear tire rolling past me. It completely tore from the rim. Thankfully no one was hurt.

  5. True story here. This guy who hitched hiked to work every morning who was an employee at a Vet hospital, would stand at the entrance to the freeway hitchhiking to work every morning. A semi truck lost its tire and it went whizzing past this guys head just barely missing him. The guy was crossed eyed to begin with, I wonder if it corrected his vision?

  6. I was hit head-on on the freeway by the rear wheel (half the dual set) off a Winnebago when the lug bolts on the Winnie shattered (Highway Patrol suspected heat stress. It was August and the Winnie was travelling from LA to SLC). I was distracted, seeing the Winnie go on its side on the other side of the freeway, and then returned my eyes forward and saw the wheel bouncing toward me.

    I was lucky in that the wheel was on the ground and hit me dead center, hitting the water pump and bouncing back out of traffic. If it had hit either side or was airborne, it would have sliced right through the body (and probably me) and spun the car. As it was, I just had time to grab the steering wheel tight and I had had my lap belt cinched tight so I was able to move out of traffic without further incident.

    I was driving a ’64 1/2 Mustang (it was my first car. I had bought it for $800 after saving up for six months making ten cents over minimum wage, which back then was just over $1.00/hr). The impact demolished the grill and radiator, bent the hood, popping it up, and bent the front sub-frame in, which pulled both fenders with it.

    It was a miracle no one was injured. There were two families, 11 people total in the Winnie, and there was a pack of cars just behind me when the wheel hit.

  7. How terrible, and yet, fascinating at the same time. Absolutely incredible that the young man survived…was able to sit up and, apparently, answer questions. Sure hope he realized just how ‘lucky’ he was to have survived…and maybe made a few changes in his life? (Not judging, but we ALL can make a change or two for the better, can’t we?)

  8. When I was a little kid – maybe 7 or 8, my mom and I went out shopping. She parked the ’56 Olds on the street at a parking meter. She had just put money in the meter when all of a sudden a truck wheel came down from above, hit the meter, bent it over on an angle, then went straight up and came down on the front of the car demolishing the hood. Mom grabbed me off to the side. The trucker that had lost the tire came over to see if we were OK – we were. Never forgot that one or how lucky we both were!

  9. Hopefully the guy who got hit in the head was thoroughly checked out at the hospital to insure that he did not have a subdural hematoma, which can kill you within hours or days after the initial injury. Remember what happened to Natasha Richardson?

  10. Recaps are the worst especially on hot days. I see gatored, shredded recaps all over the highway all the time and I once blew a recap on a work van coming over Lookout Pass from Montana into Idaho. After that my boss never bought recaps again. I haven’t seen anyone lose a tire yet but have seen a lot of other things that are just as scary or worse with all the driving I do.

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