What happens when a nation turns its back on morality, abandons personal responsibility – IOTW Report

What happens when a nation turns its back on morality, abandons personal responsibility


I don’t know how many times I’ve mentioned this but, once upon a time, school children brought their guns to school – on the bus.  The weapons were then stored in lockers until their marksmanship class or until their after-school, extracurricular, gun club meet.

As inconceivable as this seems in our modern world – where you just know what would happen – this wasn’t uncommon.  It wasn’t something that occurred at that “one weird school” with the strange curriculum.  It was pretty much everywhere.

I, sadly, am not old enough to remember this world.  I was born in the 70’s. My parents? They remember it.  After the horrific events in Las Vegas I received a text from my mom:

“You just barely remember the tail end of the way America was, and your child will never know it at all.”

That’s the reality of the country in which we live, and despite what late night talk show hosts, pretend Presidents, and Hollywood gun-grabbers would have you believe, it’s not about guns. Not one damn bit. Firearms catch the blame, because it’s easy to blame tools, but the implement used in horrific attacks like the one in Las Vegas are scapegoats.

Last night, on the Tucker Carlson show, I watched Democratic Congressman Henry Cuellar come as close to acknowledging this fact as I’ve ever seen a Democrat come.

As Cuellar puts it:

“I think there are some people who believe in gun control. I don’t believe in gun control. I think you can have responsible people do the right thing with a gun but unfortunately sometimes you get a situation like this that it’s hard to explain but just taking guns away from everybody is not going to solve the issue.”  The rest


18 Comments on What happens when a nation turns its back on morality, abandons personal responsibility

  1. Just think about all the guns that were in the schools in the 1970s in the Bronx and Brooklyn when the gangs ruled NYC. There were never shootings like today in the schools, or anywhere else like today. And these were savage murderers. They killed each other over what they considered beefs. They never mass murdered classrooms full of students.

  2. Much of our current society’s norms stem from the fact that our culture has changed due to our base of industry, too. In a majority agrarian society people were used to being self-reliant and the idea that the government would do anything except poke its nose in where it didn’t belong was inconceivable. People had to exercise their own caution and safety rather than have it legislated to them because the consequences were often fatal. And the same for providing for yourself and your family. Only a drunk or a moron would look to someone else for regular provision. There were always a couple of families you knew who were chronically destitute without ongoing aid. Though considered “poor” by today’s standards, most had enough and their focus was rarely on material wealth, anyway. A man with family and friends was considered “rich.”

    As employment shifted off the farm and into cities and factories, families’ social focus turned outward to schools, companies, social clubs and politics and away from the familial center. Needs were met by these entities and became the new norm. And, specifically regarding guns and gun ownership, boys and girls were less likely to need a gun and know how to use one. Shooting turned into a sport instead of being a life skill. It’s the same for just about every other life skill that has gone by the wayside. People don’t have to cook, sew, iron, mend a fence, treat a wound, set a broken bone, or start a fire using only a match.

    What we think of common sense is fading away every day. Frankly, I’d be a little nervous around a lot of today’s kids with guns.

  3. What happens when a nation turns its back on morality, abandons personal responsibility? The population looks to a bureaucracy that makes promises about taking care of all our problems, and even gives us presents to make us believe they really do care about us. We just haven’t gotten to the end of this story yet.

  4. When I was in HS there wasn’t a pickup in the parking lot that didn’t have a gun in the gun rack.
    Then though we started the day with the Lords Prayer and if elementary kids didn’t know it all they had to do was flip open their cardboard pencil/crayon box and read it. That was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. We weren’t told we were bullied, they called it teasing and if you went crying to a teacher or parent they’d tell you to give it right back to them. If it got too out of hand, kids would fight it out and then be best friends thirty minutes after the fight. If we did something to get in trouble at school we were more worried about our parents finding out than the paddling we would receive. We knew we were to respect our elders. We were taught right from wrong and we knew there were consequences for our actions, we couldn’t blame someone else because it didn’t work, they made sure we were responsible.

    So imho when you took God out of schools and you took out discipline and you replaced it with boys shouldn’t act like boys and girls shouldn’t act like girls, kids shouldn’t have their feelings hurt, much less their backside, accepting anything that feels good, you reap what you sow.

  5. Thanks, MJA. I fast-forwarded past this last night when I heard ‘Democrat Congressman’. I figured it was the same old yadda-yadda from them. Glad I got a second change to see what he had to say.

  6. Like the old racist white woman, guns were stored in unlocked vehicles hanging in the back windows of the pickups in the school parking lot.
    We went hunting after school or had one along in case you saw a coyote or other predator to try and kill.

    Much has changed, I have no answer. Remingtons fall ammo sale is going on right now and I took advantage of it Saturday afternoon as a normal course of business.

  7. I remember bringing a deer rifle, (in a case) into school to show a teacher who was into hunting.
    Things were more normal then. Democrat’s had not gone over the edge yet.

  8. In the rural midwest towns, even until the mid 80’s had gun racks in the trucks at school. In the late 70’s it wasn’t nothing for my brother and I to walk out of town (2 miles) to empty state land with our .22’s and target shoot.

  9. Back then if somebody decided to act like an asshole you could actually go out in the school yard and beat the snot out of them. A little street justice went a long way. Now that they’re left alone they’ve blossomed out into hordes of SJWs!

  10. I remember the seniors bringing their .22 rifles on the bus (1969). There was no problem. In high school we all carried a buck knife on our belt. No problem. If anyone was ever stupid enough to threaten some one with it, their daddy would whip the shit of them.

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