There was a real interesting post to Zerohedge over the weekend. Titled “How Barack Obama Built An Omnipotent Thought-Control Machine… And How It Was Destroyed” it’s a long piece worth at least a good skimming by the readership here.
In summary, the article asserts that Obama exerted as much control as possible over social media because traditional means of conveying societal thought control, the mainstream media, had lost its relevance. While they worked diligently in the Obama Administration to censor dissent and propagate their messaging, it all went for naught thanks to three men who understood what was going on: Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and Elon Musk. Agree or not with the author’s conclusion, the overall content of the piece leads to some interesting questions about the state of the body politic today.
For example, why is it democrats seem to boldly continue down a path to irrelevance when clearly they are out of step with the majority. What if it’s not so much what is wrong with the party but what is wrong with their means of forcing consensus or the projection of a consensus where none exist isn’t working anymore. What if the democratic party has for generation relied on control of the means of mass manipulation to force compliance or the impression of compliance and that system no long works. You’d get something that looks a lot like a rudderless political party that always seems to be on the wrong side of every issue. In their own minds they’re not wrong they’re just waiting for the consensus control machine to bring the rest of society into compliance with their radical positions.
And while I have your attention, I’ll direct you to something else worth your viewing. BookTV featured “Last Call for Bud Light: The Fall and Future of America’s Favorite Beer” on its premier series “After Words.” Its less about how a beer brand was destroyed and more about corporate governance and how the shift from “shareholder value” to “stakeholder value” had become another way for the radical left to propagate its cult like beliefs through society.
“What Happens When No One Believes Their BS Anymore?”
Freedom, Liberty and Prosperity!
There is a lot to unpack here.
Obama gets massive props, from both sides, for his revolutionary manipulation of social media as a means to influence, but this was not his doing. The heads of social media, in an attempt to get close to Black Jesus did all the heavy lifting, and in the beginning, they did not even know what they had.
Here is the soup bone quote;
“In their own minds they’re not wrong they’re just waiting for the consensus control machine to bring the rest of society into compliance with their radical positions.”
Over the years, the Democrats have shown a remarkable alacrity in shaping culture. Race relations and the assent of BLM, removing parental rights, gender-bending, the normalization of the illegals invasion, a hegemonic shift to a more globalist stance in foreign affairs, and even the erosion of law and order as a means to cow and subdue the populace, these are are all manifestations of the left.
So in this regard, the headlines declaring the demise of the left are misplaced and exaggerated. But the tide is turning thanks to both Trump and feminism. For far too long normal folk have had that little voice in their head saying,”Wait, this is messed up”.
We are witnessing a cultural shift, back to common sense, back to traditional values, where people are not afraid anymore.
They will just come up with a new style of BullShit so as to continue their fuking lies.
0bama, for me, brings to mind the Brady Bunch episode where Greg becomes a pop star. The girls are swooning, everything is wonderful. It goes to his head. And when it all comes crashing down he asks ‘Why? Why me?’ and the answer is because the suit fit him. The only reason Barry became the centerpiece was because he could read a teleprompter well. He gave some great speeches, which of course someone else wrote. And he performed terribly, because he never had anything beyond being able to read a teleprompter well.
I think that’s partially what has happened. But the machine has not been destroyed yet. Just yesterday the new media was harping on something, I’d need to look it up now, and they were all reading it verbatim off the script. I actually think that’s part of their mind control game. And what followers are left are fanatics. And getting dangerous.
Everything is Fake and Gay.
The Truth is right in front of you.
It was The Moment. But don’t get all torqued about it LOL!
Another fraud perpetrated on the American public was by Google, FaceBook, Meta, etc, when they all lied to the Congress about having their thumbs on the scales vis shadow banning and search engine algorithms, as well as cancelling conservatives across all their platforms.
I hope the DoJ has this episode of corruption on its ‘To Do’ list.
Øbama: A fraud, propped up by lies, adored and worshiped by guilt-ridden whites (and those who thought “change” would lead to something good).
Sargon of Akkad discusses how religions that adopted the woke bullshit are also collapsing under its weight.