What Happens When The Hot Dogs Run Out? – IOTW Report

What Happens When The Hot Dogs Run Out?

Sure, they’re all nice and calm when the hot dogs and grapes keep coming, but what if he runs out before they’ve all had their fill? Nightmare fuel. Watch

29 Comments on What Happens When The Hot Dogs Run Out?

  1. I’m torn. On one hand, WTF!?!?!?
    On the other hand, awww.
    But mostly, WTF???

    I hope he’s making them exercise, too. They’re fatter than they need to be.

    Raccoons semi-hibernate. So, they’ll return in the spring, ravenous. – Dr. Tar

  2. @flip

    …They turn on the person giving the handout and then they destroy the house.

    They poop everywhere. The crayfish come in to our part of the lake and the raccoons come in at night. They use their sensitive paws to fish those things out then leave their scat all over the place. – Dr. Tar

  3. I wonder how he keeps them out of the trash. I imagine the neighbors aren’t real fawn of these things wondering around their yards, looking for a protected spot to spend the winter.

    A neighbor had his speed boat seal wrapped for the winter by a local marina. The raccoons apparently took a liking to it and not only tore the interior to shreds but left 5 months of poop behind.

  4. In the state of Washington racoons are considered to be a nuisance and pests, there is an open undeclared war on the vermin, you can kill as many racoons as you want since it is open season year round on the damned furry bandits. My brother with a large garden in the Spokane valley catches them in racoon traps and then deep sixes them and drowns the little bastards in a 55 gallon drum of water and disposes of their bodies in large black plastic bags thrown into his garbage. He hates them after they killed all his ducks and geese and terrorized his chickens a few years ago.

  5. A friend sent me a picture a couple of years ago of a pack of coons at his patio door in Stockton, Calif. (Not really coon country) I told him to crack the door and give them directions to the WELFARE OFFICE!

  6. @ Dr. Tar

    “they poop everywhere”

    Today, me and my son were in some deep mountain bike trails and flew past a woman (45-55yrs) who had just dropped trow and took deuce in the woods.

    I called out, “we didn’t see a thing” as we flew past.

  7. Maybe the woman who might have a new type thought that she was channeling her inner bear and took a shit in the woods. My son gave me a gag gift one Christmas, he thought he was being funny, he wasn’t, by giving me a copy of a book called How to take a shit in the woods.

  8. I expected at the end of video the guy would be lying on his porch as just a skeleton, every last bit of meat (and he has a lot of it) ripped off and eaten by ravenous raccoons.

    I am disappointed. It’s what I call false advertising.

  9. Not doing a wild animal any favors by feeding them.
    Just putting them in a position to run afoul of the neighbors who might not think the destructive little trash pandas think they’re so cute.
    That being said, if there’s leftover food from the deck cats, I let the coons eat it.

  10. I have chickens and outside cats… I shoot the coons.

    I made the mistake one 3am with my .357 loaded with Remington Express. In the chicken pen. Wow.

    The loudest noise I ever did hear was a 5 inch shell being detonated across the street by the fire department and bomb squad.

    The loudest noise I never heard was in a chicken pen with Remington Express.


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