What happens when you close down mental institutions? You get more progressives – IOTW Report

What happens when you close down mental institutions? You get more progressives

The old controversy — that President Trump had been the first president not to make a Christmastime visit to the troops since 2002 — died a quick death when Trump and the first lady showed up in Iraq Christmas night, so it was up to the media to scramble for another controversy.
Robby Starbuck caught this one brewing: it looks like Trump had flown over a bunch of 2020 campaign swag to hand out to the troops, which is a big no-no.
According to The Hill, though, the hats already belonged to the troops, there were only a handful, and they asked.
Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Winning @Pumped_4_Trump says

“Imagine being mad at everything @realDonaldTrump does? That is just not normal human behavior; how miserable!”

 Dr. Dirk Diggler M.D.@DrDirkDiggler says-

“This is what happens when you close down mental institutions and give them twitter.”


So true.

18 Comments on What happens when you close down mental institutions? You get more progressives

  1. What happens when you close down mental institutions?
    Waters, Pelosi, Schumer, Occasional- Cortex, the MSM,,, too long to list. Over half the country that listens to the mentally ill. and funding non-citizens for votes instead of mental illness solutions and building a wall. Than there are invasive jerks with pop-ups

  2. When I worked at a mental institution one of the patients had taken sidewalk chalk and wrote on one of the pillars, “CNN SUCKS.”

    I love the brevity of a fractured mind…

  3. Actually, one of my brothers and I were talking about how harmful it is to have shut down most psych wards and mental institutions, and how much more harmful it is to encourage the would-be mental patients into delving deeper into their fantasies. [like gender dysphoric people or people who think that they’re six year old girls…]

    Those sort of people get locked up and given mental and emotional treatments to try and save their minds. It’s so sad how no one cares anymore and instead wants to see the world shatter into a million pieces.

  4. We now have a country loaded to the gunnels with angry and vengeful minorities clamoring for more power and politicians tripping over themselves to give them what they ask.
    These same minorities once in power begin steadily chipping away at the nations foundations and erasing every vestige of the country as we knew it.
    We are well along in our collapse and in just a few years from now when the white christians reach minority status nothing will be recognizable. I pity our children.

  5. Now ya know why they’re mainstreaming mental illness in the schools.
    It’s called dragging the next generation down to their level of Suck so as to be dysfunctional, screwed up and non-productive. That’s how to destroy the United States from within, something they have advocated for decades! They’ve honed the sharp edge of Political Correctness into a dangerous weapon.

  6. It’s not just a co-incident that our cities are stuffed to the gills with retards, neurotics, psychotics, deadbeats, bums, illegal-alien invaders, and morons – all of whom vote Demonrat (who quickly relieve them of the burdens of wealth).

    “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
    (Dead White Dude)

    izlamo delenda est …


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