What Happens When You Violate the President’s Airspace? – IOTW Report

What Happens When You Violate the President’s Airspace?

17 Comments on What Happens When You Violate the President’s Airspace?

  1. I understand that ground targets might need to be protected but how could a Cessna threaten Air Force One? Wouldn’t the souped up 747 just turn and accelerate away from the tiny toy plane? Save some money and wear on the fighters.

  2. This MSNBC goof, Jeff RoSSen calls Cessna ‘CeZZna’
    His last name is surely pronounced ‘RoZZen?’
    I know, I know it’s lame but it’s early here and I’m an old man.

  3. @TP…

    A cessna fly’s slow enough that a person could hang out a door with a hand held missle, rocket/grenade launcher, or any other weapon they would employ to damage/take down the engines on AF1.

    Gravity is a bitch when flying at 500mph straight into the ground and even if they did not go totally cheap and use man-portable weapos they could always modify and hide missles on the airframe of a Cessna… all they got to do is get close enough and have enough weapons on board to defeat AF1’s anti-air defenses.

  4. @BanjoBill, that Cezzna crap bugged me too.
    It’s Cessna! And describing the takeoff as “barrelling down the runway”. My father was an air traffic controller and they had a club. They bought a Cessna and we used to fly in it as a family often. A Cessna doesn’t “barrel” down the runway.
    He should move on to narrating adventure stories or something instead of trying to make his little adventure sound life threatening.

  5. Just like a home invasion, when seconds count, call the police they’ll be there in 15 minutes.

    I suspect air coverage is already in the air and not far away from the President.

    As effective as they are, I can see using the air national guard as back-up, not the first team.

  6. @meyou, that’s what I was thinking. As much as I love to see our President being protected, that whole set up was just a way for them to say “the President travels too much.”

    Never mind the world trips 0bama took to accomplish nothing but apologize for America being America. Never mind his fund raising trips causing chaos on major cities. Never mind his expensive vacations in Hawaii, Massachusetts, etc….

    Every single penny used to protect President Trump is well spent.

  7. Folks,
    This was a TRAINING mission. The reporter failed to mention that the ‘rogue’ aircraft was a Civil Air Patrol(CAP)plane and crew. CAP routinely flies training missions with the Air Force and the ANG. F-16’s need to train with targets that go low and slow. Before every big event like a super bowl game or political convention there will be ANG fighters chasing CAP planes around the sky.

    CAP is the civilian auxiliary of the USAF. All our pilots are volunteers. My hubby and I are both CAP volunteers. Our primary mission is search and rescue. CAP conducts 85% of all land search and rescue missions for missing or downed aircraft. We also get used in searches for lost hikers, hunters and children. We are also called upon to provide air photography in support of ground missions during natural disasters. CAP aircrews were the first ones sent out to get pictures of the WTC after 911. CAP crews are the ones currently taking most of the pictures of the eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii.

    We have to train. ANG has to train. This broadcast was just a news reporter going along for the ride.

  8. NBC presented this as a favor to those who wish to do the President harm. It allows the bad guys to figure out where the holes are in the defenses. Don’t doubt it for a minute. The “Trump travels too much” bit was just icing on the cake.


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