What have you done that the left would use to disqualify you from being SCOTUS material? – IOTW Report

What have you done that the left would use to disqualify you from being SCOTUS material?

I was absent 60 days in my senior high school year. (That’s 1/3rd of the school days.)((Passed all my tests, though.)

The odd thing about this, I was there at least 30 of those days. That’s right, I played hooky AT THE SCHOOL.

(I guess I’d disqualify me too.)

Thread suggestion – PHenry

72 Comments on What have you done that the left would use to disqualify you from being SCOTUS material?

  1. Never did graduate from HS.
    I had been accepted to CU, in to the Religious Studies program, and just went. I stopped HS in January of my senior year, by mutual consent.

  2. I was barred from competing in the Junior Engineering and Technical Society’s slide rule competition in my senior year in high school (1966).

    If the left digs a bit they’ll find out that the reason was that I had won first place in my freshman, sophomore, and junior years and they wanted to give somebody else a chance and so made me a judge and gave me a nice Pickett log-log-duplex trig slipstick anyway. But the lefties wouldn’t mention that.

  3. Wouldn’t YOU like to know! Actually, I got all my ya ya’s out in junior high. I attended HS junior and senior years part time because I had all my credits out of the way early and held full-time jobs those years. Yeah, I was a complete bore in HS. That would have eliminated me from consideration on the SCOTUS. Some things never change. LOL!

  4. The Kavanaugh ice debacle made my recall an incident, a lot of years ago, were a few billiard balls were tossed around. Fortunately, being on the Supreme Court was never on my bucket list.

  5. Have remained faithful to my wife in a traditional heterosexual (aka real) marriage for 29 years, and counting.
    Is there ANY democrat who can claim that?

    Plus we have two great kids who will never commit felonies. Or vote democrat, ever.

  6. I yelled at a UNICEF charity rep who came around with that little box for donations. I told them not this time, sorry. (I had a valid reason, but they weren’t interested)
    They got bitchy.
    So I got bitchy right back and let them know that guilt didn’t work on me…And then maybe I said something about the person’s face or something, who remembers.
    This happened when I was around 5 or 6 years old at Catholic school.

  7. I never joined the Communist party, unless there were communist at the glug parties I did join in on during my college years. Those were the days of 18 year old drinking age and the highest per capita bars in the nations (3rd Street La Crosse, WI).

  8. Have never stopped believing that obama’s BC was total BS and that he is NOT an American citizen. And that my red hot hatred for that deceitful, destructive bastard in no way makes me a racist.
    And since he was fake, I deem the ‘wise latina’ and that ugly dyke that didn’t recuse herself over obamacare as not legitimate SCOTUS justices.

  9. Anonymous reminded me that in 1st grade Sunday School I pulled the chair out from under a friend as he stood to talk.
    Although, since he ended up doing some work for Grassley and the Senate Finance Committee the left would probably see that as a bonus.

  10. In grade school, I did several book reports for books that did not exist, except in my imagination. Never got caught (this was way WAY before the interwebs). It would have been easier to have just read a real book.

  11. Notbelieving in the liberal bs since 1984 would automatically disqualify me. As well as hating HS and not being there if I didn’t have to got me in a lot of trouble back in the days of open campus where I could leave between classes and go back later if I felt like it. Also being a white heterosexual male and a Christian, veteran etc. who believes in America as it was founded. Guilty on all charges.

  12. Made flame throwers in the art room using squirt bottles of turpentine and a lighter…but we did it in the sink with running water…although the flames often looked like they went down the drain.


  13. Not much of anyth………well, there WAS that episode with the small farm animals, but they were drunk and disoriented and blindfolded before they were brought to the house, and the others involved have bad memories, but could sure use the money offered for remembering.

  14. Ran through the principal’s yard with a ’60 Plymouth. Left some rather large tracks. Next weekend, tried it again and my spotter noticed some boards with nails. We went around them.

  15. I swore at the priest in the confessional in the 3rd grade. We had to go every Friday.
    I said,Bless me father I have sinned,He said go on… an I mumbled “I swore”. He said what did you say? Sh*i Damn, Hell. Silence, finally he said what did you say in the first place. I got the usual 3 Hail Mary’s.

  16. I have committed a few sins, and broken (bent) my share of laws in HS. Several girls (but not at the same time, darn), drugs, drink, parties at the house. You know, the “youthful indiscretions” stuff.
    And yet, for all that, I went to school & choir, got good grades, graduated, went to college, graduated, worked, never arrested, went to church, joined the Army, and, all in all, have lived a good life.

  17. When I was in elementary school, I used to go to the soda fountain after school with 2 friends. Small soda 5c, big one 7c, with penny candy off to the side. We would buy a mallow cup candy bar as we left, then go around the corner to the door of the dentist on the 2nd floor. We’d smash the mallow cup on the doorknob, then go down the street, hide and watch. It is amazing how few people actually look at a door knob before they grab it. I mean really look. We would just go crazy, laughing so hard. We did this pretty regularly, and finally, one day the dentist was waiting on the other side of the door. He chased us down the street and he was really pissed, but laughing too, but we got away. He would testify against me, I bet.

  18. Toby – hope you at least saved the coins on the bottom cardboard. If you accumulated enough (can’t remember how many) and sent them in, they sent you a box of assorted candy bars. Good ol’ days back then.

  19. Sent to detention many times for calling out the lies of my leftist teachers on the “xenophobic, white supremacist” Ike and his very successful (If you were a working American) OPERATION WETBACK.

    Many days from ’58 – 60 I spent 30 min in detention; many. It was clear I did not bow to my “betters”; still do not.

  20. CRIPES. Where do you want me to start? 🤪

    Does anyone want to hear a ballsy drug smuggling story about an IOTWREPORT reader that involves walking past a police officer holding a drug sniffing German Shepherd with his parents at a major airport before boarding a commercial airliner and didn’t get caught?

    Asking for a friend…

  21. Different Tim- They got shredded and burned, in case I do get nominated. The other 2 kids were the sons of the town cop, so I don’t know what to do about them. I’m going to write to feinstein and see how she would handle it.

  22. As a preborn fetus, I took pleasure at kicking at the uterine walls of a woman that I didn’t know. At some point, it become so intolerable she needed to go to a hospital in order to remove me from inside her body. They tell me the experience was so harrowing for her, she was obliged to stay for two days in a so called “maternity ward”

    Even after she was discharged from the hospital, I continued to endlessly harrass this woman with my unending demands, frequently disrupting her sleep in a manner that can only, in retrospect, be called infantile. Moreover, for several more years, due to my totally irresponsible behavior, this woman was obliged to watch over me like a hawk — thus preventing her from leaving the home and starting any kind of independent career.

  23. Lennie…… you heartless and cruel despot. There is no circle of hell low enough for an unrepentant criminal of your magnitude.

    However, nice thread victory. Truly Conan-like in its epic sweep of early history.

  24. It get worse, Aaron. Using my powers as an alpha infant, I would manipulate this woman, whose name I never even bothered to learn, to expose her naked breasts to me which I would then suckle … not grope, but actually SUCKLE!!


    ….still can’t believe you kicked a pregnant woman in the belly…..repeatedly.

  26. I was White after Labor Day….Plus I might of destroyed a Golf Course.

    Drove Drunk 16,453 times..Only got caught once.

    Poached a couple of Deer in the 70’s

    And still Passed My FBI background check to get a T/S in the USAF.

  27. I egged a small town in high school in the dark of the night during the freezing dead of winter with my brother and a good friend. Seriously. We drove down Main Street and just unloaded a “five dozen farm pack.” Looking back on my wild youth, it’s a wonder I’m still alive!


  28. I apologize for the suggestion. I had no idea what kind of hideous monsters lurk here.

    My disqualification happened just tonight. I’ll tell you about it someday. Let’s just say I’m not proud of it.

    OK. I’m damned proud of it.

  29. In sixth grade I stood on the roof of the school and threw grapefruit in front of cars moving down the street so we could watch the grapefruit get squished. It was really fun until a police car drove up.
    Good thing I was a fast runner.

  30. Before my Russian wife could speak or understand English, I thought it would be fun to have her call me Master. She did for about three days not knowing what it really meant. It finally dawned on me that when she eventually caught on, I’d be dead meat. So, I nipped that little inside joke in the bud before she caught on. It probably saved my life.

  31. I do have something to confess that would disqualify me in the eyes of many. In 1964 I had sex with an underage girl. My only defense is that she was older than I was.

    This telling of a true story was triggered by Vietvet.


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