What if it was Jill Biden who ordered the calamitous withdrawal from Afghanistan? – IOTW Report

What if it was Jill Biden who ordered the calamitous withdrawal from Afghanistan?

American Thinker:

By Patricia McCarthy

Many Biden watchers have long observed Jill Biden’s grasping obsession with becoming the First Lady.  Throughout the campaign as Joe Biden’s failing mental abilities became more and more obvious, did she love him enough to end it?  Oh no, not Jill.  She continued on with her elder abuse.  

One explanation may be her long fascination with Edith Wilson.  She admired and apparently coveted the role that Mrs. Wilson filled after President Woodrow had a stroke in October 1919.  Edith Wilson hid the seriousness of her husband’s condition and took over the job of running the country until the end of his term in March 1921.  While Edith claimed only to be a “steward” of her husband’s presidency and that she took over with the full approval of his doctors, in truth she was quite a bit more controlling than she said.  Consider this passage from the Edith Wilson Wikipedia page

“Edith took her role very seriously, even successfully pushing for the removal of Secretary of State Robert Lansing after he conducted a series of Cabinet meetings without the President (or Edith herself) present. She also refused to allow the British ambassadorEdward Grey, an opportunity to present his credentials to the president unless Grey dismissed an aide who was known to have made demeaning comments about her. She assisted President Wilson in filling out paperwork, and would often add new notes or suggestions. She was made privy to classified information, and was entrusted with the responsibility of encoding and decoding encrypted messages.”

Woodrow Wilson had his first stroke at age 39 in 1895 which left him with weakness in his right arm and hand.  He had several more minor strokes but recovered, though it took a year before he was able to use his hand to write.  In 1912 he suffered from several more Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs).  A month after his inauguration he experienced yet another neurological episode which left his left arm and hand weakened.  His brain was being damaged by cerebral vascular disease. He continued to suffer from painful headaches and high blood pressure.  This was all hidden from the public who elected him to a second term in 1916.  more here

25 Comments on What if it was Jill Biden who ordered the calamitous withdrawal from Afghanistan?

  1. Joe and Jill went up the Hill,
    To occupy the White House,
    Joe fell up and called a Lid,
    And Jill sat in his Office.

    (Hey. I’m trying. It’s not easy writing rhymes about douchebags.)

  2. Don’t know who IS running the show at the White House but it sure as hell isn’t Pedo Joe….who is having a good day if he remembers to unzip his fly before taking a piss and doesn’t crap his pants.

  3. The only thing the dowdy and bleached-hair Biden wife wanted to do was run down the halls of the Peoples’ White House on stumpy legs and swollen cankles touching everything.

  4. Money. A lifetime of it.
    That’s what I think got her to push Joe to run.
    They are both cruel psychopaths and not all that smart. Just willing to do what they’re told for money.
    Obama is running things. He pretty much bragged about it in Dec.
    Anything Milley & co say is probably a cya lie.
    The goal is to crash the country to bring us down to be more equal with lesser nations and not a superpower any more.
    That role is for China in the eyes of these commies.

  5. It would make a lot of sense.
    Most teachers are idealists with little practical experience.
    Life rarely works out like the textbook so it would not surprise me that the 2 of them have literally fucked up everything they have touched.
    Foreign diplomacy, etc.

    You can read a book about swimming, but unless you practice, you will drown.

    We all have had idealistic teachers who taught because they could not do. They have lived off of the public forever.

  6. It’s dumb and dumber in the WH. She was dying to be first lady but she or Biden aren’t running the show. She just didn’t have the intellect or power to put him in the oval office. Look at who NOT around him they are the secret ones running the country.

  7. @Burner

    You NAILED Justine Turdeau BEAUTIFULLY!

    That is literally his life story.
    Failed at work
    Failed at teaching
    Runs a country full of takers.

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