What If the FBI Threw an Insurrection and Nobody Came? – IOTW Report

What If the FBI Threw an Insurrection and Nobody Came?

American Thinker:

By Brian C. Joondeph

Saturday, Sept. 18 was the date for the “J6 Rally,” organized by a political advocacy group called Look Ahead America. It was billed as:

A rally in support of those who have been charged with nonviolent offences to protest of their disparate treatment at the hands of the Department of Justice and the Judiciary.

Our event on Saturday, like all of our other events, is a 100% peaceful First Amendment exercise.

We have had dozen successful protest events around the country, including two in the District of Columbia, and we have worked on a daily basis with the Capitol Hill Police to ensure this is a safe, successful event.

Look Ahead America has a website with a mission statement,

Our mission is to register, educate, and enfranchise these disaffected citizens and ensure that their voices are not just heard but heeded and that the American Dream becomes their dream again.

One can donate, volunteer, and become active in this organization. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C., with a leadership board of experienced individuals who worked in the Trump and other campaigns and in political advocacy, similar in experience to those one might find in other political think tanks and advocacy groups.

There is nothing secretive about their events or where they stand on the issues, unlike nebulous groups such as Antifa who organize in the shadows through message boards and behind black masks. read more

14 Comments on What If the FBI Threw an Insurrection and Nobody Came?

  1. At the head there was an oppressive government.
    On one side Martin Luther King advocating non violence, on the other side rioters and the revolutionary Black Panthers.
    Which side had the greater impact on implementing change?

    In another light, At the head you had the oppressive British Crown.
    On one side were The Crown and Loyalists to the Crown, on the other side rioters and the revolutionary patriots. Which side had the greater impact on implementing change?

    In both scenarios, the threat of violence and violence were the catalysts to accelerated change. What percentage of Americans participated in either struggle for change?

  2. “If 90 out of 100 people believe in something strongly enough to vote for it, and 10 out of 100 people believe in something strongly enough to KILL for it, the 10 will rule the 100.”
    (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “One can donate, volunteer, and become active in this organization. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C., with a leadership board of experienced individuals who worked in the Trump and other campaigns and in political advocacy, similar in experience to those one might find in other political think tanks and advocacy groups.”

    Uhm… Look a little more closely. There may be some trusting people, local women, on that leadership board, as well as the sprinkling of 20-something naives. But otherwise it’s a list of people with bios that are too carefully and vaguely-worded to give me any reassurance.

    Prove to me that this isn’t an astroturf group instigated by FBI or other nefarious.


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