What in Hell’s Bathroom is Going on with Bill Gates’ Chest? – IOTW Report

What in Hell’s Bathroom is Going on with Bill Gates’ Chest?

41 Comments on What in Hell’s Bathroom is Going on with Bill Gates’ Chest?

  1. That is SUPER weird.

    Maybe his bra is where he stashes his money. But who’s to judge?

    I have to share a term somone on a blog said about trannys being allowed in girls track sports: he called the sport “drag racing”. Hilarious!

  2. Soory, all wrong. Bill was originally a girl and was sex changed as part of an MK ultra type breaking and mind control. Globalists new they had a gold mine with computer language and needed a controllable pawn. He must have quit taking testoseterone.

  3. He’s resorted to an inflatable companion since the divorce. He’s inconspicuously sneaking out for the weekend. Remember Bill Gates is smarter than all of us put together.

    He may even be JoeBiden smart!


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