What in Unholy Hell is this? Biden Green Screened? – IOTW Report

What in Unholy Hell is this? Biden Green Screened?

Pay attention to amateur hour here –

What makes this equally scary is that it sounds like Biden is saying, “I’m not in the moment.”

No kidding.

48 Comments on What in Unholy Hell is this? Biden Green Screened?

  1. If you put the vid on 0.25 speed and watch carefully at the 0:07 mark, his hand actually makes contact with the mic. Pay attention to his pinky finger. If his hand didn’t move with mic contact, I would say without a doubt it’s green screen… Or it was edited to make his hand move with that contact.

  2. The mics are not in focus, and then his hand reaches past the focal point of the mics and it stays in complete focus.

    This is not visually right at all.
    Something odd here.
    But they say there is another camera view. I haven’t seen it yet.

  3. ecp: if you freeze frame it beginning at 0:07 onward, you will see that the mic, which is in the foreground, suddenly disappears behind his hand, which is in the background. WTF?

  4. Looks like the fake news edited in the fake mics, as well as the question. And you can’t even tell what Max Headroom was saying, because of the mask. Is this shot even from this year, or is it from last Spring? Reminds me of some of those phonied-up Hillary events from her sickout, no-show campaign, with the fake crowds edited in.

  5. A Phony Usurping Presidunce who stole an election puts out phony and doctored propaganda?
    An someone’s surprised?


    When was the last time you heard an honest remark from a Demonrat?
    Did Andy Cuomo say: “Yep. I had all those old farts killed – and YOU may be next!”
    Did Baghdad Jen ever say: “Yes” or “No” without a lot of BS word salad?
    Did Jill ever say: “No – I’m not an MD, so you shouldn’t call me ‘doctor’.”
    Did Nancy ever say: “Yeah, I put riders into the code so my husband’s company doesn’t have to raise the minimum wage for those Samoans.”
    Did Mad Max ever say: “Yeah, I got my husband great banking deals through corrupting the Legislative process! Don’t like it? Kiss my black ass!”

    No. And you probably never will.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Potemkin microphones? Dementia Joe Obiden Bama is living proof that almost anyone can be installed as President* as long as the Free Press remains enslaved and enfeebled. President* Kalamity Harris is warming up for her performance as we await the next chapter in this National Nightmare.

  7. https://youtu.be/KBPmaf7ffg8 – Shows the moment the mic touches his hand from another angle at the 0:58 mark, you have to playback on slow to see it, as the camera angle changes immediately afterwards.

    The camera cut away to the other camera is odd too.

    It’s not entirely convincing this is green screen. IMO.

    The oddest part is there are mics at all, as if Joe would say something worthwhile.

  8. The focus should not be on the hands or the microphones.
    The focus should be on the fact that we have a fake, phony, fraudulent government that thinks nothing of pulling crap like this and trying to pass it off as real! What little credibility this administration ever had is completely shot to hell with this kind of stupid, amateurish garbage!!

  9. Some more Qs

    Why is the POTUS walking down a dirt path ALL BY HIMSELF just to answer one question posed by reporters?

    Where’s the Secret Service? Weren’t they all concerned about Qanon insurrectionists

    Why didnt the reporters come to him?

    If this had been Trump I would have also thought, “This isnt right” And that was before I was alerted to the phony mic

  10. Since President Trump did this on a regular basis, so there were always plenty of opportunities for video.
    The only reason to do something like this is to hide something!
    What are they hiding?
    What really is going on on the White House lawn?
    Does Jackass Joe even get on Marine One?
    How many assistants does it take?

  11. Hang on, everyone.

    Please remember that one of the most potent weapons in our enemy’s arsenal is our own desire to see them as inferior and incompetent. It can lure us into traps we would otherwise avoid.

    This is obviously an altered video. The question is why.

    If the point was to create the impression that Biden was actually answering questions from reporters when he wasn’t, digitally inserting microphones at the bottom of the screen was not at all necessary in order to do it. I’ve seen more unaltered clips of people answering questions without mics in the frame than with them. It seems like way too much effort in order to achieve that simple goal.

    However, if the point was to spark QAnon-like conspiracies among otherwise clear-thinking individuals through the use of intentionally bad video editing, thereby leveraging our own assumptions of leftists’ incompetence against us, then I’m afraid that, for far too many of us, that mission has been accomplished.

  12. My take is the microphone is there to give the illusion that the marionette is actually speaking! But it is not. How useful a large black mask is to hide the non sync mouth movements. Plus be out of focus. Similar to the fake moon landings, they are sloppy with their hoaxes.

  13. When Biden’s hand is in front of the microphone, you can see pixelization.

    Here’s a short video on green screen problem with a quick explanation of what green screen is. Not all of the problems are specifically green screen problems, there are some funny one.

    I don’t know if they still have it, but years ago the Seattle Science Center had a green screen display where you could appear to be playing basketball. It was always funny when someone wore green.

  14. WHAT? Is this really presented as a true video? OBVIOUSLY fake. His hand goes on top of the microphones which are out of focus in the extreme foreground. His hand is tiny in comparison because it’s much farther back in space. Whoever composited this should have rotoscoped the microphones to put them over his hand. But because of the amount of defocus on the microphones, they should have really taken a still and retracked it to the microphone to keep the soft edge. I’m a VFX Creative Director and Compositor, so I do and evaluate this kind of work all day long. This isn’t even good for temp.

  15. In addition to comments above, did you notice how his arms just dangled as he walked? There was no stride. Normally your arms move a little bit in unison with your legs. This whole visual seemed wrong.

    I think we are witnessing/experience the first virtual (p*)resident.

  16. I believe he’s at his home along with his dogs. He’s not and will never be in the White House. Heard a story that they had to send the dogs back to Delaware for doing something like pooping or being mean. Are there any photos, real ones, of him in the White House? Hence the barbed wire. They don’t want anyone in to find out.

  17. Not only does Xiden’s hand appear to go through the mic, his feet are not making proper contact with the “ground” – there is no shadow under his feet.
    Even on a cloudy day a shadow can be seen under feet as someone walks.

    Also, the very top of his head fades in and out and does look cut off at one point.

    If you watch the side of his thighs and other edges of Xiden’s image, you can see a residue pixelation from an attempt to “mask”, or blend him into the background. What a hilarious mess.

    Amateur Deep Fake courtesy of the Deep State.

  18. And I noticed a 1000gal propane tank sitting behind the fence behind Joe. No President would be taken near such a potentially explosive object. It’s all fake probably was never on the news. Someone is trolling.


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